Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1741 Unspeakable (5)

Caiwei nodded and said, "Then let them do it. "

In today's harem, apart from Caiwei, there is only one high-ranking mistress, Princess Yao. Empress Dowager Mo and Princess Li are both dead. The other concubines who have children have all left with their children. The low-ranking ones who had no heirs were sent back to their parents' homes by Caiwei. There were also a few who had given birth to princesses and whose status was not very high. They lived with Concubine Yao in Yiqiu Garden and spent the rest of their lives in loneliness... ...

Caiwei also sympathizes with these women who have nothing to do all day long and can only wait to die of old age, but everyone has their own life trajectory, and every dynasty has its own laws and rules. They were born in the Jin Dynasty, Women who are unfortunate or lucky to be the emperor are destined to be restricted in their freedom, but in the same way, they also get some things, such as having enough food and clothing to spend their old age peacefully.

Cheng Huaixiu said with emotion that Caiwei was so easy to talk to: "The Queen is kind and very kind to these concubines. I heard that the Queen allows the eldest princesses who are married outside to visit their biological mothers in the palace every month, and also allows the unmarried princesses to visit their biological mothers in the palace every month." The married eldest princesses have moved to Yiqiu Garden and are being raised by their biological mothers!"

Caiwei said: "The nature of mother and child is human nature. Now that I am a mother, I naturally know the pain of separation between mother and child. Therefore, by changing the ancestral rules so that they can enjoy a family relationship, I can do my best for my predecessors." Share your thoughts!"

Cheng Huaixiu smiled and complimented: "The empress is gentle and generous, generous-minded, and has both political integrity and talent. It is true that only the empress has this kind of magnanimity as the mother of a country. No one else can imitate her."

These words of compliment made Caiwei dumbfounded. She said, "I have just relaxed the policy a little to allow those concubines to reunite with their daughters. How can they be as holy as you said?" "

Cheng Huaixiu said with a smile: "Mother, please don't be too modest. If you don't say anything else, just talk about the mistakes my father has committed. If you are a narrow-minded master, you will definitely hate my father. At this time, my father may be frightened." What's going on? But the empress was able to understand that my father had worked so hard to avenge the Queen Mother, and easily forgave my father. Not only did she not criticize my father for a word, but she was also willing to receive the courtier. This shows that the empress is a broad-minded person. You don't know After my father was reinstated, all the ministers in the court were alienated from my father. They thought that my father had offended you and would suffer your revenge in the future. Everyone was afraid of being implicated by my father, even my uncle. You've been in contact with us!"

Caiwei frowned after hearing this. The political factors in Ning Huaixiu's words were too obvious, and he was obviously testing her attitude towards the Ning family.

She remembered that Ning Huaixiu had always been a simple lady who only cared about admiring Nangong Yi and would never mention such topics to her. But now, she not only talked about sensitive topics smoothly and naturally, but also gave her Wearing a big hat makes her feel embarrassed to attack the Ning family. This method is simply too high-handed, like a veteran who plays politics, and is completely different from her previous style!

Cheng Huaixiu sat there, observing Caiwei's expression calmly. When she saw Caiwei frowning, her heart skipped a beat.

Judging from the ability to observe words and emotions that she has developed over many years in the palace in her previous life, under normal circumstances, a person's first reaction is her true reaction. Whatever she says in the future will only be said in a whitewash and not sincerely. Think about it.

Therefore, when Caiwei said, "Prime Minister Ning is also loyal and wants to clear up the injustice for the Queen Mother, so he questions me," she didn't believe a word of it.

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