Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1767 Baohua Temple (5)

This Baohua Temple is a famous temple in Bianzhou Prefecture. It was built for the founding of the Jin Dynasty. It is extremely famous. It is not for anyone else but because there is one difference between this temple and other temples. That is, this temple has a descendants hall. , It is very responsive. If you go to burn incense and ask for an heir, you will really get a boy if you pray for a boy, and you will get a girl if you pray for a girl.Moreover, the children were all born tall and fat, and they were free from diseases.

Because of these effects, all infertile people, regardless of officials, officials or people, came to the Children's Hall to ask for an heir. Even many childless officials in the capital came here to pray from thousands of miles away. Therefore, both Nangong Yi and Cai Wei knew about this famous temple. Not only did they know about it, but even the people in the entire Jin Dynasty rarely knew about this temple.

With this great reputation, Baohua Temple is crowded with people every day, just like a temple fair. In addition to people from all over the country who come to beg for a child, there are also other people who come to the temple to offer incense and pray, as well as people who come to play.

Everyone is willing to come to Baohua Temple. In addition to the reputation of Baohua Temple for efficacious works, the monks at Baohua Temple are compassionate and kind-hearted and treat pilgrims equally. No matter whether they are high or low, or whether they give alms or not, the monks treat them with kindness. , by no means snobbish.

Unlike other temples, although the monks are monks in name, they are more selfish than lay people. A few pots of tea and a few plates of fruit are the bait for fishing. Regardless of whether the pilgrim is rich or poor, he will give a book to collect money and food when he comes in. It was not an excuse to build the Buddha with gold, but it must have been to rebuild the temple. If there was nothing to say, he named it the incense lamp oil in front of the Buddha. If you meet someone who is willing to give up, you will say that you are a troubled family, and you will flatter him in every possible way, and you will lie to him from time to time; if you meet someone who is unwilling to give up, you will say that he is a stingy person, and you will slander him behind your back, and you will even spit on him when you walk past. Foaming at the mouth.

Only Baohua Temple is different from other places. It often builds temples and pavilions and does not ask people for donations. For this reason, people from far and near know that the monks in this temple are kind and respect them very much. They are willing to give alms, which is several times better than those who ask for help. Kuang Jian's temple is said to have a descendant who is very responsive, which makes Baohua Temple famous even more. It's hard not to believe in it.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi took a carriage and arrived at Baohua Temple. After getting off the car, they saw that Baohua Temple was surrounded by white walls, with tall locust trees and ancient willows planted on the walls. There was a red lacquered gate tower with a golden scroll hanging on it. It is inscribed with four characters "Baohua Zen Temple". Opposite the mountain gate is a wall, with many empty sedan chairs parked near it. Inside and outside the mountain gate, people burning incense and playing were crowded, making it very lively.

The two of them followed the flow of people into the temple and walked to the Main Hall. They saw layers of pavilions and corridors. Outside the main hall, colorful clouds surround the red doors; in front of the reception hall, the auspicious atmosphere envelopes the green tiles. The old junipers and bamboos cover the painted beams and carved buildings; the green pines and ancient cypresses cover the curved sills and railings. Sure enough, there are few people in the Pure Land, but there are many famous mountain monks in the world.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi walked to the front of the hall, burned incense in front of the Buddha and prayed secretly: "May the Jin Dynasty have good weather, the country be peaceful and the people are safe, the people live in peace, and the country will last forever!"

After that, the two kowtowed, stood up respectfully, and went to play elsewhere. Passing by the main hall was the Children's Hall.

The men and women burning incense were praying devoutly. This Zisun Hall is also a three-room hall, with carved beams, embroidered pillars, and painted pillars, which are dazzling. In the middle is a divine kitchen, which houses a goddess with a beaded crown and colorful embroidered robes. She holds a child in her arms, and four or five men and women stand beside her. This Shinto is called the Descendants. The divine kitchen has a yellow embroidered curtain with two silver hooks hanging open. There are more than hundreds of pairs of divine shoes of five colors on the floor. The embroidered flags and precious caps are stacked one on top of another, and the number is unknown. The light of the candles painted on the frame illuminates the whole place; the smoke in the furnace fills the hall. The one on the left is Zhang Xian who sent his son, and the one on the right is the longevity official.

Caiwei was watching when she suddenly heard a low voice: "Is the female donor here to pray for an heir?"

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