Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1768 Baohua Temple (6)

When I followed the sound, I saw a tall young monk, staring at Caiwei's face with stern eyes. When Caiwei turned around, the monk asked again: "Is the female donor here to pray for an heir?" of?"

Suddenly, Caiwei felt a sense of disapproval in her heart. In her impression, monks should have the image of a worldly master who is leisurely and secluded from the world, but the person in front of her clearly looked like a hungry pervert, not her. It's just that the monk's eyes were too clear, as if he wanted to eat her alive, and it made him feel cold all over!

She didn't want to pay attention to him and said coldly: "No!"

The monk said softly: "I dare to ask if the female donor has any children. If not, the descendants hall of this temple is the most effective. The female donor can give it a try!"

Seeing that the monk was still struggling, Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and leaned closer to Nangong Yi.

At this time, Nangong Yi had already noticed that the monk was harassing Caiwei. His eyes suddenly turned cold, and his evil aura suddenly appeared. He pulled Caiwei behind him and said with a smile: "After your descendants, How much silver do I need to ask for an heir in the hall?"

"It costs nothing!"

When the monk heard Nangong Yi's words, he thought they were really interested in begging for an heir. He was overjoyed and said repeatedly: "The donors who ask for an heir in this temple all rely on their thoughts. Those who are rich can give a few taels more, and those who have no money can just burn a stick of incense." , Buddhism is compassionate and saves all living beings, and does not care about the amount of alms given by the donor!"

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Caiwei's face uncontrollably.

Nangong Yi said with a smile: "Can I just burn a stick of incense here to pray for children? Is there any fasting ceremony required?"

The monk explained: "There is no need to fast and recite sutras. We only need to ask the heir woman to be free from illness and be sincere in her thoughts. After fasting for seven days, pray in front of the Buddha and ask for the holy blessing. Then rest in the clean room next to her and pray for blessings." If you dream, you can give birth to a child."

Caiwei suddenly became confused when she heard that a woman who still needed to pray for an heir was living in a temple. She said coldly, "It's inconvenient for a woman to stay in a monk's temple."

The monk said: "This clean room is tightly surrounded, with one woman in one room, and family members guarding her outside the door. No stray people are allowed to come and go. It is safe and convenient!"

It turns out that there are dozens of clean rooms on both sides of the Zisun Hall, with bed tents in the middle. Anyone who prays for an heir needs a woman who is healthy and healthy to fast for seven days, go to the temple to pray in person, and ask for blessings from the Buddha. If you get the holy title, you will sleep in a clean room for one night, with only one person staying in each room. If he cannot ask for the holy letter, his thoughts are dishonest. The monk will repent for him, fast for seven days, and then pray again. The clean room was tightly sealed on all sides, with no gaps at all. He first taught his husband's male servants to check the surrounding area. Regardless of the choice, the woman is sent to her room to rest at night, while her relatives and servants sleep outside the door to watch. There is no doubt about this.

After listening to the monk's explanation, Nangong Yi and Caiwei both sneered unconsciously. They originally thought that this place was really an ancient temple with the Buddha's light shining all over it, but it turned out to be a place where filth and evil spread.

Since the Bodhisattva has a spirit and only needs to pray, why should women stay in the temple to rest? There must be some emotional disadvantages involved. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas used to practice on their own and cut off kindness and love. How could they care about the sexual affairs of the people and come to this temple every night to give birth to children in their dreams? It’s not nonsense!

It's a pity that these people believe in witchcraft but not medicine. Therefore, they are obsessed with evil and believe it to be true. They are confused and do not realize it. They send their wives and daughters to the temple for nothing to be used by this group of monks. Exactly: Distinguish the Heartbroken Grass, misidentify the Living Pill.

The monk who chatted with Caiwei was originally bewitched by Caiwei's beauty, so he ignored the rules of the temple and came up to seduce Caiwei and Nangong Yiqishi without authorization. Tuxi could have sex with Caiwei at night and have a good time. Unexpectedly, because of his lustful thoughts, he got himself killed!

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