Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1779 Chao Gei Marries Again Second Update (2)


He yelled, bent down and covered his crotch, and then someone screamed, "Ouch, my balls..."

In the chaos, Caiwei and Nangong Yi took the opportunity to go out. Under Yingge's guidance, they found the warehouse of Baohua Temple and put all the gold and silver treasures inside into the space. They then went to the abbot's private treasury and took the old All the treasures in the monk's private treasury were accepted.

There were several elders in charge of the temple, and each of them had accumulated a lot of money for his or her private property. Caiwei did not let go of any of them. She took in everything from gold, silver, wealth, to cloth, grain, and rice.

Nangong Yi's mouth twitched when he saw it: "Madam, you just collected the gold and silver treasures. We don't lack these cloths, grains and rice, so don't waste space!"

"That's not okay. Since it's ill-gotten wealth, we can't leave a penny to them. Even if we don't use it, it's still good to use it to do good deeds and keep food, drink and clothing for the poor in the nursing home!"

Nangong Yi couldn't resist her, so he had to let her go!

Before Caiwei finished harvesting, Changmei was already finished.It returned to Caiwei quickly with its hands and feet, squeaking and feeling extremely proud.

"Master, I have destroyed all the monks in the temple. There is no one left. They can no longer do evil!"

Caiwei was very satisfied after hearing this. She took Changmei back into the space and asked Nangong Yi to go in and give Changmei and Yingge a delicious meal. However, the man did not agree.

Caiwei was about to leave for Lingbei soon, and he wanted to go with Caiwei. Otherwise, Caiwei would be riding a tiger in the wind in the dark night, but he would benefit from it. This made him feel not guilty, like he was sorry. Like plucking flowers.

Caiwei couldn't defeat him, so she had to agree, so the couple rode on the white-haired tiger together and galloped towards Lingbei under the moonlight...

Xianbei Kingdom

A grand wedding was being held in the magnificent palace, decorated with lanterns and colors. According to the rules, the widow of the former king Helan Qi was supposed to marry the new king of Xianbei, Helan Hao.

Helanhao is Helanqi's distant nephew. He is only twenty years old, but he is resourceful, brave and good at fighting. In the competition for the king's throne, he defeated many opponents in one fell swoop and became the new king of Xianbei.

Today is the day when he officially ascends the throne, and it is also the day when he marries Princess Dajin as his queen, so the entire Xianbei Kingdom is full of joy, celebrating the new king's accession to the throne!

Chao Gei's heart ached, and she didn't feel the joy of being a queen again. If she could do it, she would rather leave the palace and live in seclusion in a place where no one knew her, and live her life comfortably.

Although her new husband is young and capable, and marrying him is very dignified, he already has a beloved woman, and he had to marry her in order to win over the Jin Dynasty. Although she has the title of empress, she does not have the title of empress. s right. He Lanhao's beloved woman had already entered the palace and lived in the most gorgeous palace in the harem. He presided over the affairs of the harem and did not take her seriously at all.

He Lanhao had never looked at her directly. In his eyes, she was just a pitiful chess piece.

Secretly, she once asked the emperor of Jin Dynasty to allow her to return to Jin Dynasty and spend the rest of her life in peace, but she was rejected. For the sake of good relations between the two countries, the emperor ordered her to stay here and marry He. Lan Hao.

She also asked He Lanhao to become a nun and pray for Xianbei. He Lanhao said: "We in Xianbei have no nunnery or temple at all, and there is no place for you to practice."

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