Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1780 Chao Gei Marries Again Second Update (3)

She also asked to move out of the palace and guard Helan Qi's body as the Queen Mother. He Lan Hao ridiculed her and said: "As far as I know, you and He Lan Qi don't have a deep relationship. Ever since you married, He Lan Qi has The days I spend staying here with you can be counted on one hand, so let’s forget about the wake-up call. Let a woman he doesn’t like do the wake-up call for him, and he will be upset!"

All the ways out were blocked. She had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. She had no choice but to accept the treasure book and seal of this puppet queen and hold a wedding with He Lanhao.

After the wedding, Chao Gei returned to her bedroom and sat on the bed exhausted. She did not expect He Lanhao to come here to have a wedding with her tonight, because he didn't like her, and she knew it.

Moreover, she didn't want him to come to her place. Hannah was a very jealous woman. Once, because a palace maid serving He Lan Hao had her eyebrows drawn, she decided that the palace maid had evil intentions and wanted to seduce He Lan Hao. She had a fit. Afterwards, he ordered that the palace maid's eyebrows be burned with a branding iron, then her legs were broken and thrown into the cold palace, where she would never come out. Chao Gui's heart trembled after hearing this.

Because of Hannah's jealous style, none of the maids in the palace dared to put on makeup. The good-looking ones also took the initiative to ask to be transferred to remote posts, so as not to be suspected by Hannah and innocently lose their lives.

Chao Gei felt that she had replaced Hannah and sat on the throne of Queen Helanhao. Hannah already hated her to the core, so she tried to keep the distance between her and Helanhao as much as possible to avoid causing Hannah's burden.

Although she didn't dare to treat herself like the palace maid, when a woman becomes jealous, the consequences are far more serious than people imagine. She had no idea about He Lanhao, and she didn't want to make Hannah jealous because of him, so as not to cause unreasonable disaster.

After returning to the palace, she sat exhausted on the bed with the heavy crown on her head and the complicated and heavy Jifu. Even though she knew that He Lanhao would not come over, she still did not dare to sleep or take off her makeup, otherwise, everything would be wrong. When Lan Hao comes over, he might as well attack her!

Seeing that Chao Gui was working hard, Xiao Man couldn't help but said: "Queen, why don't you take off the crown first, and I'll watch it for you outside. If His Majesty the King comes, you can put it on again?"

"No need! I'm not tired!"

Chao Gui opened the corner of his mouth and showed a pale smile to Xiao Man.

Last time because she was drunk, Xiaoman and Dong'er were punished by He Lanqi and knelt down all night, which made her still frightened. Now, Xiaoman and Dong'er are the only ones left in her life, and these two are the only ones left. The girl is sincerely good to her, so she can no longer let them be angered and punished because of her. She is reluctant to...

Once, she was the most noble princess in the Jin Kingdom. Although she was not a legitimate princess, because of her status as an adoptive mother, all the rich ladies in the entire Jin Dynasty wanted to flatter her and look at her face. Later, Concubine Jin died, and the princeling After being destroyed, she became a street rat that everyone yelled at. She finally seized the opportunity and won the favor of Queen Mu, allowing her to escape death and once again become the most eye-catching princess of the Jin Dynasty. , it is a pity that because of her momentary greed, she made a mistake that Queen Mu could not forgive. From then on, her life fell from heaven to hell again, and she fell into eternal disaster.

Until now, she is still struggling in hell, trying to survive in the cracks. Nowadays, she no longer hopes for glory and wealth. She only hopes to live a peaceful life with Xiaoman and Donger. However, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for her to have a peaceful life. It’s a luxury!

"Queen, this slave has just found out that His Majesty the King has gone to... Miss Hannah's place to rest!"

Dong'er said carefully, while secretly looking at Chao Gui, she felt really distressed. The princess is such a good girl, so gentle, so kind, how could she have such a bad fate? These men are the same, why can't they see the beauty of the princess?

"I know, you and Xiaoman have been busy all day, so go to bed first. I'm too tired, so I'll go to bed first!"

Chao Gui said with a natural expression, looking at the bruises under the eyes of the two girls, she couldn't help but feel distressed in her heart. She was the only one with them. Seeing them suffering and worrying with her, she really felt distressed. As for her She had long expected that her newlywed husband would sleep with another woman on their wedding night, and it would not affect her mood at all.

Xiaoman said: "Let me help you wash and change clothes!"

After saying that, they started to pick off the crown on Chao Gui's head, and Dong'er went to untie her auspicious clothes. The two girls were probably afraid that she would be sad, so they carefully coaxed her and said, "My queen, how about we go to the hunting ground tomorrow?" Let's take some time to relax, staying in the palace will make even good people sick!"

Chao Gui knew that they were worried about her, and was moved in her heart. Although she didn't want to go out to relax, but in order to reassure them, she still pretended to be very interested and happily agreed!

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