During breakfast, the sun had already risen outside. Chaogui hadn't woken up yet, but Xiaoman and Dong'er had already gotten up. They didn't sleep well at all last night, they were always worried about the princess.

Yesterday was the wedding day of the princess. She could get married at any time, but she was married by a matchmaker. However, the groom left the princess to sleep with another woman on the wedding night. This kind of thing would happen to any woman. It was unbearable, not to mention there were so many people watching. Now, the princess had no face at all in the palace.

When they came in at dawn to take a look, they saw the princess sleeping soundly. They both thought that the princess was sad last night and didn't sleep well, so she got up late this morning, so they didn't say anything. They quietly prepared things for washing, and then prepared some. After breakfast, we waited outside.

"Hey, the princess is so pitiful. Her own mother was killed when she was a child. Although she was brought to Concubine Jin and enjoyed a few years of glory and wealth, how would she feel if she was adopted by the enemy of her slain mother? Concubine Jin finally fell, and those people came to vent their anger on the princess again, but they regarded the princess as Concubine Jin's biological daughter, and they almost tortured her to death!"

Xiao Man looked at Chao Gui's bedroom and said leisurely.

Dong'er also sighed: "Yes, it was easy to win the favor of Queen Mu later, but she fell out of favor due to the persecution of Queen Mother Mo. She also had various difficulties when she got here. In fact, the princess has been cautious since she was a child. Who knows? It is a crime that even the Empress Dowager Mo did not dare to commit. That time she exposed Empress Dowager Mo and her daughter was also to protect herself. Otherwise, if she had not exposed them, sooner or later she would have been tortured to death by Empress Dowager Mo as a punching bag."

"No, if it weren't for Empress Dowager Mo's aggressiveness, the princess would not have planned to fall into the water. She wanted to marry the prince of Qingluo Kingdom and leave Dajin. In fact, our princess did not do it for vanity, because only after marrying, Only in this way can we escape the revenge of Empress Dowager Mo. Unfortunately, our princess is not lucky and failed to succeed in the end. She has been stumbling upon being married here, and it looks like her life will not be easy in the future..."

"Hey, it would be great if Queen Mu was willing to protect the princess. With Queen Mu protecting her, they wouldn't dare to go too far. Otherwise, the princess will definitely be bullied to death by that Hannah..."

Hannah is famous for her fierce jealousy. Even if the princess does nothing, just because she occupies the position of queen is enough for Hannah to hate her. What's more, the princess is so beautiful, much more beautiful than Hannah. It's like a huge difference...

The two of them were sighing when Chao Gui's bed-like voice suddenly came from inside: "Xiao Man----Dong'er----"

"Yes, the slave is here!"

After hearing this, Xiaoman and Donger hurriedly stopped talking, got up and went inside.

After Chao Gui woke up, she saw that it was already broad daylight, so she called Xiao Man and Dong'er to come in and serve. When the two girls came in, they both had a little black spots under their eyelids. As soon as they saw it, they knew it was because they didn't sleep well last night, which made Chao Gui feel distressed.

These two girls have been with her since childhood and are loyal to her. If they had not protected her desperately, she would have been used as a punching bag and tortured to death after the fall of Concubine Jin.

Therefore, although they are master and servant in name, in her heart, she has long regarded them as her sisters!

After washing, Dong'er said: "Queen, it's already this time today, are we still going to the hunting ground later?"

Chao Gui looked at Xiao Man, then at Dong'er, and said, "Go ahead. Since everything was booked yesterday, don't let others prepare it in vain. Let's leave after dinner and we can arrive at noon." , hurry up and head back in the evening, I think you can be back before dark, it should be in time!"

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