She grew up with He Lanhao since she was a child. Her mother was He Lanhao's wet nurse. He Lanhao's own mother died early and she was always taken care of by her mother. Her mother gave him meticulous care. He Lanhao's care and attention finally made He Lanhao's hard and brave heart feel soft. In his heart, the wet nurse was his mother, the closest person to him in the world, because his mother relationship, he respects and loves her like a biological sister.

However, she didn't think so. She had liked that tough and heroic young man since she was a child, and she was determined to marry him. Although their status was very different, she was not worthy of being his wife; even though she was one year older than him. , the person is not very beautiful, but this cannot stop her from loving him and wanting to marry him, because she has a very important bargaining chip, that is, her mother, his wet nurse.

He Lanhao was very kind to her mother, just like a filial son to his mother, obedient. When his mother told him before her death, he must marry her in the future and treat her well. At the time, he agreed without hesitation!

This is why she can stay by his side and become his most important woman.

Although it's not because of love, as long as she can get him and become his only woman, that's enough!

And she believed that as long as they stayed together like this, sooner or later, he would fall in love with her and be unable to live without her, instead of having to have her because of his mother.

Due to political reasons, he could not marry her as his queen, but he had promised her that except for the title, he would give her everything else. She was his woman, the owner of the Xianbei harem, and the princess of the Jin Dynasty. , it’s just a decoration. If she is honest and behaves herself, she may give her a bowl of rice to eat. However, if she dares to miss her man, she will blame the Jin Kingdom and be disfigured. No more than this bitch!

Judging from the current situation, she really couldn't keep her.

Chao Gei didn't expect that he would meet Helan Hao and Hannah here. Helan Hao officially ascended the throne yesterday, shouldn't he be handling government affairs in the palace today? Why did you come here suddenly? And that Hannah, what kind of eyes was she looking at her? Her eyes were so piercing that it seemed as if she was going to be broken into pieces. Chao Gui was so frightened by the sight!

How unlucky to have met them!

Chao Gui secretly complained in her heart, but now that it was over, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and dismount her horse to salute.

Accompanied by Xiaoman and Dong'er, Chao Gui stepped forward, lowered his head, and knelt to greet He Lanhao.

What she wore today was a horse-riding outfit made of goose-yellow brocade. It was different from the spacious and dignified queen's court clothes she usually wore. This outfit showed off her figure, and her exquisite figure was clearly visible. Her figure is excellent, slender and straight, of moderate height, convex where it should be, and concave where it should be. Combined with her elegant and noble temperament that she has developed since she was a child, she is really eye-catching.

"Get up!"

He Lanhao raised his hand, surprisingly not blaming her for why she suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hannah on the other side became angrier and angrier as she watched, especially when she saw that there was no look of disgust or disgust in He Lanhao's deep eyes, which made her teeth itch with hatred.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Chao Gui stood up. In order to prevent them from misunderstanding that he had found it deliberately, he explained after standing up: "I didn't know that Your Majesty came to the hunting ground, so I was careless and disturbed Your Majesty. I'm leaving now!"

After saying that, he bowed gracefully and stepped back.

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