"Wait a moment!"

Before He Lanhao could speak, Hannah sneered and said, "The queen is already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why don't we come together!"

She said this through gritted teeth, because she saw that He Lanhao's eyes were always staring at Chao Gui. If he let her leave just like that, his heart must have been taken away by her. The queen might not be sure. Something has to happen.

Therefore, we must keep her by our side, try to make her make a fuss, and break He Lanhao's goodwill towards her!

Chao Gei was one of the few people who didn't want to be with them. Just when he was about to refuse, he suddenly saw Hannah's sharp and threatening eyes. He immediately swallowed the refusal that came to his lips and forcefully swallowed it. He reluctantly agreed: "Okay!"

Hannah looked back at He Lan Hao, and saw that He Lan Hao didn't say anything and actually acquiesced. She was even more jealous, and her eyes at Chao Gui became even more vicious!

Chao Gui was so stunned by her that her scalp was numb. She was afraid but did not dare to refuse her, so she had no choice but to lower her head, get on the horse with Dong'er Xiaoman, and follow them uneasily.

The royal hunting grounds of Xianbei are similar to the hunting grounds of Dajin. They are both located in the deep mountains and old forests with beautiful scenery. There are high mountains in the distance and streams and meadows nearby. All kinds of wild animals grow and multiply here, ranging from tigers and cheetahs to hares. There are many kinds of pheasants...

"There is prey in the woods ahead."

He Lanhao pointed not far away, where people often hunted. He used to hunt here often.

"Okay, let's compete to see who can shoot the prey first!"

Hannah took off the bow and arrow she was carrying and said to Chao Gui with a smile, "I wonder if the queen dares to compete?"

Chao Gui smiled reluctantly and said modestly: "My riding and archery skills are not good, I'm afraid I will disappoint you!"


Hannah sneered and said, "Queen, don't be modest. Since you can ride so beautifully on a horse, you must also be an excellent archer. It's possible that you only ride horses and don't know how to shoot. What's the use of learning riding skills?" ? It’s not like you just learned how to ride and it’s embarrassing, right?"

Chao Gui blushed. She didn't expect Hannah to say such harsh words. She glanced at He Lanhao and saw that he was staring at the front seriously, as if looking for prey, and didn't notice what they were saying.

Chao Gui felt better. If Hannah's bastard words were heard by him, she would be embarrassed if he misunderstood her.

"We Dajin girls learn to ride horses for transportation or for fun. Being able to ride a horse does not necessarily mean you can shoot an arrow. So, Miss Hannah, you are overthinking it!"

Hannah smiled sarcastically and said, "I hope I'm overthinking it, otherwise, I would have thought that His Majesty didn't accompany you to the bridal chamber last night, and you were unwilling to find him!"

"Look, there's a deer over there!"

He Lanhao suddenly shouted. While shouting, he drew his bow and shot an arrow at the deer.


An arrow hit the deer's leg. The deer that was grazing was startled, and then ran away into the distance. Seeing this, He Lanhao hurriedly urged his horse to catch up.

When the guards saw that Your Majesty was chasing the deer, they all followed suit. In an instant, only Chao Gui, Hannah, and their two maids were left.

Seeing He Lanhao running away, Chao Gui said to Hannah frankly: "Miss Hannah, I didn't come to see Your Majesty as you thought, and I have no unwillingness. Long before I married Your Majesty, I I asked Your Majesty to allow me to become a nun, and also asked Your Majesty to allow me to keep vigil at the late Emperor’s funeral, but His Majesty refused. If I really wanted to compete for favor, I wouldn’t have done that!"

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