"But why don't you still marry His Majesty!"

Hannah interrupted her sarcastically, and the expression on her face became even more contemptuous: "You see that His Majesty doesn't care about you, so you deliberately submitted your resignation to attract His Majesty's attention to you. Oh, by the way, this This move is called play hard to get in the mouths of you Jin people. It is really despicable. What a pity, you didn’t expect that although His Majesty insisted on marrying you, he still didn’t take you seriously, even on your wedding night. Spent in my bed. Oh, I forgot to tell you, His Majesty was so enthusiastic towards me last night, he wanted me twice in a row, and my body is still sore..."

Chao Gui was stunned. She didn't expect that the woman He Lanhao favored could be so vulgar. Originally, when she met Hannah, she saw that Hannah was average-looking and heard that she was from a slave background, so she thought she was nothing special. What about his character? Otherwise, how could he be favored by He Lanhao?

He Lanqi's harem was inherited by He Lanhao. In addition to her, there were many charming concubines and beauties. However, after Helan Hao entered the palace, he did not favor any of them. He only favored this girl Hannah. Although She hasn't been given any title yet, but she has long been a nameless queen in the harem!

She thought that there must be something admirable about this girl Hannah being able to win the Sacred Heart alone. But now it turns out that she is actually an overbearing and vulgar jealous woman, which really opened her eyes!

When Hannah saw Chao Gui with her mouth open and a dazed look on her face, she thought it was her words that had hit her and made her look like this. She felt even more proud. She glanced at Chao Gui's towering chest. , said sarcastically: "Don't tell me that you are wearing such clothes and shaking your breasts on horseback. Even if you expose your breasts, His Majesty will not like you. Your Majesty promised me that you will only treat me alone in this life." Okay, so even if you strip naked and lie in front of His Majesty, His Majesty will not favor you, a second-hand commodity!"

Chao Gei blushed. She had never heard such obscene words before. Hannah's words made her feel very ashamed, not because she was ashamed of the unfounded crime, but because those words could only be said by a prostitute and a shrew. It really disgusted her. .

However, even though she felt disgusted, she still couldn't afford to offend this Hannah. Chao Gui pursed her lips, endured the shame of being humiliated by her, and said again: "Miss Hannah, you really misunderstood me, I really I'm not here to seduce His Majesty as you imagined. I was just bored in the palace and came out to relax. I didn't expect to meet you here. Really, no one told me that you came to the hunting ground, otherwise I would definitely It won't come, please believe me!"

"You want me to believe you?" Hannah sneered.

Chao Gui nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I just want to live in peace with you and live quietly in the palace. I will not compete with you for your favor. Please trust me, okay?"

Hearing this, Hannah laughed coldly. She pulled out the knife from her waist and threw it on the ground. She sneered and said, "It's easy for me to believe you, as long as you hold the handle of this knife." If you scratch your face or cut off one of your penis, I will believe you. From now on, I will call you queen and guarantee you a prosperous life in the palace. How about that?"

Chao Gui was startled by her crazy idea and said in a daze, "What did you say?"

"Our master said that if you scratch your face or cut off one of your penis, our master will ensure that you live a prosperous and wealthy life in the palace!" A maid behind Hannah raised her chin. He raised his chin and said to Chao Gui proudly.

After hearing this, Xiaoman and Dong'er immediately pulled their horses cautiously and walked to Chao Gui's side, forming a protective posture. At this time, Chao Gui gradually understood what she was talking about. She suppressed the sincere expression on her face and said coldly: "Believe it or not, you want me to cut my own face or harm myself just to gain your trust. You think too highly of yourself!"

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