Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1790 Chao Gei is injured (3)

"Your Majesty----Your Majesty----"

The guards finally caught up. They shouted and ran towards Helan Hao. When He Lan Hao heard the guards getting closer and closer, his emotions suddenly sobered up. Then he remembered that she had been bitten by a snake. I need his help to treat the wound!

When the guards were close, he raised his hand, stopped their sounds and movements, and continued to lower his head to unbutton her clothes. When the guards saw this, they turned around in a hurry, silenced themselves, and turned their faces away.

They are all men. They understand what His Majesty wants to do.

After unbuttoning her clothes, he knelt beside her and inspected her carefully, not missing an inch.

Chaogui's skin is very good. In order to raise a daughter who is far better than her own princess, Concubine Jin ordered her to bathe in milk every day. The milk also contained rose petals, angelica, ginseng, poria and other nourishing ingredients. The skin thing, for more than ten years, has kept her skin like a baby's, moist and tender, and water can almost come out when she pinches it!

It's not that He Lanhao has never seen women. In addition to Hannah, he has also slept with several filial women under his subordinates. Those women can also be called beauties, but compared with the woman in front of him, they are nothing like clouds and mud!

Sure enough, a princess is a princess, and she cannot be compared to the daughters raised by those bitchy families. He Lanhao stretched out his rough hands and stroked the satin-smooth skin. The smooth and soft feeling made him finally know what it meant to have skin that was as creamy as a blow!

After checking the front, there was no sign of being bitten by a poisonous snake. Then he took off his robe and spread it on the ground. He turned her over and carefully checked the back. From top to bottom, every inch of skin passed through his eyes. There were no traces of bites either.

The examination process was definitely a difficult process for him. Her porcelain-white skin, exquisite curves, and the faint body fragrance from her body soon made him unable to control himself, and he was about to do something. , but surprisingly found that there were four teeth marks slightly thicker than pinholes on the inner side of her thighs. A little blood oozed around the teeth marks, and they were slightly greenish-purple.

Damn viper! Dirty viper!

It actually bit here, I really don’t know how it did it!

Seeing the jade leg bitten by a poisonous snake, He Lanhao was so full of desire that he had to suppress it and help treat the wound.

However, the location of her injury was too sensitive and too close to it. When treating the wound, it would inevitably be touched, which made He Lanhao very embarrassed.

When Hannah came to find him, he saw that Helan Hao's guards were all standing in a circle with their faces facing outwards, and He Lanhao was kneeling between Chao Gui's legs, wearing only his middle coat, and was touching her body with sweat. Holding the base of her legs, Hannah's head buzzed when she saw this scene, and she almost fell off the horse.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Hannah yelled, whipping her horse and charging forward.

He Lanhao raised his head and saw Hannah rushing over. He quickly grabbed Chao Gui's clothes and covered Chao Gui's naked body.

"Your Majesty, in the clear sky, you actually had sex with her in broad daylight. You said that you only married her to win over Da Jin. You also promised that my mother would only be kind to me in this life. How could you do this to me! "

Hannah cried, heartbroken.

She really loves He Lanhao very much, and she can let her die for him. She doesn't care about anything, but the only thing she can't care about is He Lanhao's heart for her.

He Lanhao was a little unhappy when she shouted in front of the servants, "The queen was bitten by a poisonous snake. I was just helping her treat the wound. You are thinking too much!"

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