Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1791 Chao Gei is injured (4)

Hannah didn't believe it. She looked at Chao Gui, who was covered by He Lanhao's robe, and shouted: "Why did you take off her clothes when she was bitten by a poisonous snake? Also, why did you put your hand on the base of her leg?" Don't tell me that a poisonous snake bit her on the leg!"

"The poisonous snake did bite her leg. If you don't believe it, come and see for yourself!" He Lanhao's voice became colder and he pointed at the poisonous snake that he trampled to death.

The corpse of the poisonous snake was there in plain sight. If Hannah was smart, she should stop talking now, apologize to He Lanhao, or express her concern for Chao Gui. It passed, but now she was overwhelmed by jealousy. In her eyes and heart, there was only the scene of He Lanhao kneeling between Chao Gui's legs, playing with her legs.

Therefore, when He Lanhao said, "If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself," she strode over without hesitation, tore off the robe covering Chao Gui, and squatted down to look at Chao Gui's wounds.

When she saw the four tiny teeth marks, her jealousy had not disappeared, and she even said viciously: "How could a snake bite here? Maybe it was a poisonous snake she hid herself and bit her intentionally." This place is here to seduce His Majesty!"

He Lanhao's face was already ugly. He stood up, looked at Hannah condescendingly, and said coldly: "Hannah, I promised the nanny to take good care of you and treat you well, but that doesn't mean I will." I allow you to act recklessly and lawlessly. The queen is a princess of the Jin Dynasty. She has a distinguished status. Even I have to give her three points of courtesy, but you dare to shoot her horse. Do you know that if she really dies because of this, your How much trouble will it bring to us Xianbei? Also, I have my own reasons for saving her. You have no right to comment, let alone blame. Remember your own identity and don't go too far!"

After saying that, he walked away with a dark face!

He Lanhao has always been responsive to Hannah's requests, tolerant and doting, and he has never treated her like this before. Looking at his indifferent back, Hannah was stunned for a while, and then asked tremblingly after a long while. The maid next to me: "Is he blaming me? Is he angry with me because of this second-hand bitch?"

The maid whispered: "Master, stop talking. His Majesty is angry. You'd better go and calm him down quickly!"

Although Hannah was scared and sad, she was unwilling to admit defeat. She glanced at Chao Gei who was sleeping on the ground and said angrily: "It's all her fault. This bitch is the one who alienated us. If she hadn't come here to seduce us." Your Majesty, how could your Majesty be angry with me?"

After saying that, he raised the whip in his hand and whipped it towards Chao Gui's snow-white body.

Seeing this, the maid hurriedly hugged her and advised: "Princess, please don't. Your Majesty is already angry with you because of the Queen. If you beat the Queen again, Your Majesty will be even more unhappy. Please think again!"

Hannah is a reckless and arrogant woman. Her eyes are red with jealousy at this moment. How can she have the sense to think so much? As soon as she thought of the scene she had just seen, and of He Lanhao being angry with her because of this bitch, she became mad with jealousy, her eyes were red, and she wished she could tear Chao Gui apart, so she pushed away and blocked him. The maid holding her hand raised her whip and struck Chao Gui.


Under the riding whip, Chao Gui's snow-white sarcasm immediately opened a ferocious streak of blood, and bright red blood oozed out from the opened skin, forming a sharp contrast with her snow-white skin.

Hannah was so angry that she picked up the whip and struck it hard.

"Bitch, go to hell, bitch..."

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