Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1792 Chao Gei is injured (5)

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The riding whip was flying, and she whipped the unconscious Chao Gui until blood dripped, and his skin and flesh were torn, making him look miserable.


"Miss Hannah, please don't!"

Xiaoman and Donger came after them. When they saw this bloody scene, their livers and gallbladders suddenly burst into tears. They cried heartbreakingly and rushed to block Chaogui. They used their bodies to block Chaogui. Hannah's whip.

"Get away!"

Hannah roared angrily, but the movements in her hands did not stop.

However, no matter how hard she whipped her whip, the two girls refused to leave. They gritted their teeth and allowed Hannah to whip them. Even though they were whipped to pieces and covered with blood, they still refused to dodge!

Hannah whipped for a long time, and finally got tired. She threw down the whip and panted and said to Xiaoman and Dong'er: "You two cheap maids, please remember to tell your master that this time I will be merciful and give her a life." Damn it, if she dares to seduce His Majesty next time, I will definitely skin her beauty and hang her on the city wall for public display!"

After saying that, he spat hard and led the people away angrily.

After Hannah left, Xiaoman and Dong'er endured the severe pain in their bodies and forced themselves to pack up Chaogui. They found that Chaogui had been beaten to pieces, and the two girls were so distressed that they started to cry. Chao Gui was getting dressed while complaining.

"Xiaoman, our princess is the golden branch of the Jin Dynasty. Why do they treat her like this? They actually stripped the princess naked and beat her. Do you think we should send a letter to the queen, asking the queen to protect the princess? Otherwise, The princess will definitely be trampled to death by them!"

"It's useless, Dong'er. The Queen no longer favors our princess. Even if we write to her, she won't pay attention to it. There's no way for the princess to bring trouble and humiliation on herself!"

"But even if you are asking for trouble and humiliating yourself, it is better than being fucked like this by them. Maybe the queen will feel sympathy after hearing what happened to the princess. In any case, the princess is the princess of Jin Dynasty. They fucked her like this." Princess, even if you don’t give us a big promotion, I believe that the Queen will not sit idly by and ignore it. Also, who is that Hannah? She is just a despicable embryo born by the wet nurse. She is almost the same as us. She Why are you sitting on the princess's head and dominating her?"

After hearing this, Xiaoman thought of Hannah's arrogant and domineering look just now, and felt resentful in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "That's right. Even if the Queen doesn't help us and loses face, we still have to try. Dong'er, we Now take the princess back and try to spread the news back to Dajin!"

"Well, the Queen is the most kind-hearted. I believe she will definitely help the princess..."

While the two were talking, they helped Chao Gui put on her clothes. At this time, the guards they had brought out came over. These guards were Chao Gui's dowry and were selected by Queen Mu for Chao Gui. Very loyal. After they saw the tragic situation of the queen, Xiaoman, and Dong'er, they hurried to the palace to call for a taxi without any instructions...

Because they were all injured, the carriage moved slowly. When they returned to the palace, it was already dark.

Xiao Man greeted the people in the palace and helped Chao Gui to the couch. While sending people to ask for the imperial doctor from Da Jin, he and Dong'er took off her clothes and treated her wounds again.

Many of Chao Gui's wounds have scabbed over, and the coagulated blood has made her clothes stick to her flesh. Xiaoman and Dong'er used scissors to carefully cut open her clothes, and then used a fine cotton cloth dipped in water to help Chao Gui. Wipe the blood stains, and cry sadly while wiping.

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