Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1793 Chao Gei is injured (6)

"It's all our fault, if only we didn't lure the princess to the hunting ground!"

"It's useless to talk about this now. The most important thing is to rescue the princess quickly and cure her!"

"Well, yes, I want to treat the princess's injury. When she is cured, we will send the letter back. Damn bitch Hannah, our Queen will never let her go..."

While the two were discussing, the maid outside came to report that His Majesty the King had sent a medical girl over to treat the Queen's injuries.

Upon hearing this, Dong'er said nervously: "Sister Xiaoman, His Majesty has always ignored our princess. How could he be so kind and treat our princess's injuries? I think there must be something wrong here. We can't use them." The imperial doctor, if they want to harm the princess, it will be bad!"

Xiaoman said bitterly: "His Majesty ordered the medical girl to come over, how can we stop her? Let her see it, we will stay aside. If she dares to do anything to our princess, we will risk our lives for her." Fight!"

The doctor came in quickly. She was a serious-faced woman in her forties. After coming in, she examined Chao Gui's injuries in detail. When she saw the finger-deep whip marks on Chao Gui's body, The serious face became even more serious.

After the examination, she personally applied medicine to all Chao Gui's wounds and bandaged them before getting up and going to He Lanhao's palace to repeat the order.

When He Lanhao heard that Chao Gui had been beaten so severely, his eyebrows immediately knitted together. While he was dissatisfied with Hannah, he also felt a little pity for Chao Gui!

After all, she is a princess of a country, with a status of golden branches and beautiful leaves. In one day, she experienced a fright, fell down, and was bitten by a poisonous snake. She was still in a coma and was beaten until her skin was torn. It was so pitiful. Then think about her porcelain porcelain Bai Yuxue's skin was bruised and bruised by the beating, what a pity!

At this time, the maid in charge came in and reported, "Your Majesty, Miss Hannah is here again and wants to see Your Majesty!"

He Lanhao said coldly: "No, let her go back!"


The palace maid agreed, and as soon as she reached the door, He Lanhao stopped her again: "Go to Liuli Palace and summon Mrs. Huarui to come and sleep with you tonight!"

The maid in charge was stunned for a moment, then said again: "Yes."

Mrs. Huarui was the favorite concubine of the previous king Helan Qi. She was enchanting, gorgeous and not vulgar. She also knew music theory and was good at singing and dancing. Helan Qi loved her very much during his lifetime.

However, although the new king Helan Haoxu married all Helan Qi's wives and concubines as usual, they were all in name only, and he had never favored any of them. For so long, he summoned Han every night. Miss Na's bedmate, Miss Hannah, is very favored. Not only is she the favorite of the house, but she is also in charge of all matters in the harem beyond the queen. It is said that after His Majesty makes her queen, he will immediately make her the imperial concubine. Last night Your Majesty and the Queen did not stay in the Queen's palace during their wedding. Instead, they went to sleep with Miss Hannah. This morning, the two of them went hunting together sweetly. Why did the Emperor stay there at night? Did he suddenly change his face? First he refused to see her, and then he went to summon other women to sleep with her in front of her. With Miss Hannah's jealous temper, wasn't this a knife stabbing her in the heart?

The maid in charge was muttering in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it at all. After being slightly startled, she hurried out to invite people.

Hannah was waiting at the door and was walking around anxiously. When she saw the maid in charge coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward to greet her and said, "What did your Majesty say? Did you let me in?"

The maid in charge smiled awkwardly and said, "Girl, Your Majesty, please go back..."

Hannah was surprised: "What? He still refuses to see me?"


Hannah sneered: "Humph! It seems that he is really angry with me for that bitch! Go and tell him again, if he doesn't see me, I won't leave. I'll just wait here. I won't eat until he eats." Go to sleep and wait until he is willing to see me!"

The maid in charge hesitated for a moment and said awkwardly: "Girl, I have some errands to do. I'm afraid I won't be able to run errands for you!"

Hannah's eyes sharpened: "What errand is more important than my order!"

The maid in charge hesitated for a moment, then said with embarrassment: "Your Majesty has decreed that your slaves should go and ask Mrs. Huarui to come over... to attend your bed..."

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