Your Majesty wants Mrs. Huarui to come over and sleep with you!

The news exploded in Hannah's mind like a thunderbolt. She couldn't believe her ears. The man who had personally promised her that he would only treat her well in his life, now actually went to her in front of her. The woman who said goodbye came to sleep with him and do that with him!

Hannah collapsed, she couldn't accept the news, not at all!

"Your Majesty, come out, you can't do this to me..."

She couldn't control her emotions and shouted angrily. While shouting, she cried loudly: "You have personally promised me that you will only treat me well in your life. How could you treat me like this..."

The door of the bedroom opened, and a palace maid came out and said cautiously: "Girl, please go back. Your Majesty is already angry. If you continue to make trouble like this, it will not be good for you!"

"No, I won't leave, I want to see him!"

Hannah screamed, pushed the palace maid in front of her away, and rushed into the bedroom.

The palace maid and the guards on the side did not expect that she would do this suddenly. No one was prepared for her, and she was caught off guard and rushed in.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Miss Hannah forced her way in and my subordinates couldn't stop her. I hope your Majesty will forgive me!"

The guards and palace ladies followed Hannah in and knelt down to beg for mercy without panicking.

He Lanhao glanced at Hannah with his dark eyes, and then with a sullen face, he said coldly to the people kneeling on the ground: "Go down and get thirty pieces each, and then go to the service room to work as errands."

When the guards and maids heard this, they were like lightning striking their heads, and they all left with ashen faces.

He Lanhao dropped the book in his hand, looked at Hannah coldly, and said, "Shooting arrows to hurt people, beating the queen, and trespassing without purpose. Hannah, what else can't you do?"

Hannah said with tears in her eyes: "I just want to live a good life with you. I don't allow other women in our lives, that's all. But, Your Majesty, you actually want to do it in front of me now." To favor other women, have you ever considered my feelings? Do you know how sad and painful I am?"

He Lanhao sneered and said: "Just because you are sad and in pain, you can shoot cold arrows at people at will and whip someone who is in severe pain and dying? And that person is the princess of the Jin Dynasty. Do you know Do you know what you are doing? Do you know how much trouble your actions will bring to me? If Queen Chaogui is tortured and killed by you, the Great Jin Kingdom will never let it go. Not long after I took this position, the world has not It’s not stable. How many people are coveting my position? Once there is any movement in the Jin Kingdom, they will immediately attack in groups. By then, have you ever thought about the consequences? You are just taking care of yourself. Emotions, have you put yourself in your shoes and think about the overall situation? Hannah, you really let me down!"

A few loud words made Hannah wake up suddenly. Yes, if Chao Gui is really dead, the Jin Dynasty will not let go of those who tortured them no matter what, not only because they want to avenge Chao Gui, but also because they want to avenge Chao Gui. It's because of their country's reputation. When the two countries meet at war, those forces in the country that are dissatisfied with Helan Hao will definitely take this opportunity to make moves that will be detrimental to Helan Hao. A powerful Jin Kingdom overwhelmed men, and coupled with the restless forces in the country, at that time, no matter how smart and wise He Lanhao was, he was unable to save himself!

Thinking of this, Hannah felt extremely regretful and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I was just impulsive. I didn't expect so much..."

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