He Lanhao said coldly: "I originally planned to make you the imperial concubine next month, but something like this happened. I have to think about it carefully. A person who only relies on his will and no brains in everything. Woman, I am unworthy of being in charge of the harem, I have to think about it carefully. Also, everything has already happened, so saying sorry is of no use? You should go back and reflect on it. I promised the wet nurse to treat you well and to take care of us. We grew up together, but no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't stop you from consuming it like this. Hannah, if one day, all my feelings for you and the wet nurse are consumed by you, you will regret it. !"

Hearing these words, Hannah's face suddenly turned pale. A man had never said such serious words to her. He had always let her do it since she was a child, but now he actually said that she would not block her. Being an imperial concubine would consume all the words of love between them!

Was he really angry with her? Just because she made a mistake in the heat of the moment, he broke up with her. Does he no longer like her?


She gave a shuddering cry, terrified. This is the name she calls him in private, from the smallest to the largest, and it is also a testimony of the close relationship between them. Before he ascended the throne, she always called him this.

However, before she could say anything else, He Lanhao interrupted her coldly.

"I am now the king, the king of the Xianbei Kingdom. As my woman, you should call me 'Your Majesty'. If you want to call me by my previous name, unless you become my nanny again."

Hannah hesitated for a moment, and then she was so uncomfortable that she shed tears. It seemed that His Majesty was really separated from her. He was not even allowed to call him by the nickname that she had called him for more than ten years, and he wanted to let her Be his nanny again. She is already his woman, and she loves him so much, how can she be his sister again?

"Your Majesty...I'm sorry, it was my impulsiveness and jealousy that burned my mind and made you angry..."

She choked, looking at He Lanhao's indifferent look, she was frightened. She may not care about the imperial concubine's status or what others think of her, but she cannot care about his feelings for her. If he doesn't love her or doesn't want her anymore, what's the point of living for her!

At this time, the maid outside the door suddenly came to report: "Your Majesty, someone came from the queen's palace and said that the queen has woken up."

After hearing this, He Lanhao stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go see her!"

Hannah hurriedly wiped her tears and said, "I'll go with you. I'll apologize to her!"

He Lanhao glanced at her and said lightly: "No, she won't want to see you!" As he said that, he already walked away.

Hannah was left on the spot, with mixed feelings in her heart. At this moment, her heart was extremely confused. She regretted her behavior during the day, felt disgusted that He Lanhao went to visit other women, and even more The man's words feel sad. How could this happen? In her original imagination, he had achieved a great position. Shouldn't he live happily with her for the rest of his life? Why did everything change when he just ascended the throne?

After standing for a long time, until her legs became numb, she slowly walked out.

Walking outside the dormitory, I happened to see several eunuchs carrying the charming Mrs. Huarui in on a soft sedan chair. Mrs. Huarui was dressed up and enchanting like a blooming peony flower. She was smiling at the moment. The shy look on her face was really dazzling in her eyes.

Hannah's heart suddenly ached, as if she had been stabbed with a very blunt knife, and blood was almost flowing out.

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