Chao Gui said in her heart but did not dare to say it out loud. She knew what kind of position that girl Hannah occupied in His Majesty's heart. Even if she complained, she would not be able to shake her position at all. On the contrary, Helan would be Hao thought she was squeamish and ignorant.

So, she wiped her tears and muttered softly with a nasal voice: "No."

He Lanhao looked at her trembling eyelashes and said, "Is it true? Queen, you are not suitable for lying, tell the truth!"

The lie was exposed. Chao Gui did not feel embarrassed. She pondered for a moment and said, "It's okay to tell the truth, Your Majesty. When things are unfair, they will complain. Your Majesty should understand this. It is normal for our masters and servants to feel aggrieved when they are beaten for no reason." , but I also know that my grievances are nothing in your eyes, so don’t mention it!"

He Lanhao said: "I have reprimanded her. From now on, she will not dare to trouble you again. Remember, if you feel wronged, just say it, otherwise you will accumulate resentment over time. I don't want to myself The harem is as filthy as your harem in the Jin Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Chao Gui raised his eyes and argued: "The harem of the Jin Dynasty is not tainted. The emperor of the Jin Dynasty only has one woman, the queen. They are very loving. On the day of their wedding, the emperor even announced to the world that the harem will always be in the harem." If they don’t accept concubines, they are role models for loving couples in the world, and no one else can imitate them!"

"Are you envious of the relationship between your emperor and your empress?" He Lanhao asked abruptly.

Chao Gui said honestly: "Every woman in the world hopes to be loved by her husband, and hopes to be on the same page with her husband, and grow old together, and I am no exception. However, not every woman has Mu. The Queen is so lucky to find a man who is so infatuated with our Emperor. For example, I already know His Majesty's feelings for Miss Hannah, so I don't want to get involved in your relationship with Miss Hannah. I just hope that Your Majesty can For the sake of our reputation as husband and wife, please protect me and don’t let me and my maids get hurt again!"

After hearing this, He Lanhao's face darkened and he didn't speak for a long time. I don't know what he was thinking. It wasn't until Xiaoman came in to deliver the medicine that he said, "Is this what you want from me?"


Chao Gui said seriously: "I just want to live well and live quietly with my girls. I have nothing else to ask for. If Your Majesty can protect us, I will be very grateful to you."

"Got it!" He Lanhao stood up and said coldly: "Just keep it. Just ask if you need anything. I'll come see you tomorrow." After that, he stood up and left. After He Lanhao left, Xiaoman was extremely shocked: "Queen, what did your Majesty just say? He seemed to say... he will come to see you tomorrow!"

Chao Gui lowered his eyes and said, "That's what he said..."

Yes, that's what he said, and that's how she designed it.

From the moment he came in, she could tell that it was not Dong'er's footsteps, but she still acted like she had no time to take it back. Don't men all have an innate desire to protect? Her frightened and cautious look was enough to arouse his sympathy and pity, enough to make him have the desire to protect her; also, she envied the feelings of the Emperor and Queen of the Jin Dynasty, and was so negative about her own feelings. His attitude is enough to arouse his desire to conquer...

Growing up, what she was best at was studying the hearts of the people who controlled her destiny and knowing how to impress them. Although she didn't want to do this, she didn't want to play tricks or tricks, but the facts told her that she wanted to eat people here. To survive in this place, it is impossible to rely on forbearance and concession. Often the more forbearing and concession you have, the more others will trample you to death. Therefore, only by occupying a dominant position can you live well. Not only can you live well. While alive, she can still protect the people she wants to protect.

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