She doesn't think there's anything wrong with this. It's a matter of life and death. There's nothing wrong with playing a little scheming in order to survive. At this moment, as long as she can live well, she won't hesitate to seduce him!

After He Lanhao went out, he felt very upset. This hateful woman didn't want his favor, she had no feelings for him, and all she expected from him was to protect her. He felt so frustrated!

Looking at the entire palace, there is no woman who is not affectionate and alluring when meeting him, but why is this woman who is his wife not like this? It is not that she does not long for love. When she mentioned the Emperor and Empress of Jin Dynasty, When they were in love with each other, her expression was so vivid, and her big clear eyes were brighter, more dazzling than the moon in the sky. But when she mentioned her love, her gorgeous eyes dimmed instantly. Not even a trace of brilliance was left. Didn’t she think about trying to win over him? Or is he so bad that she doesn't like him at all and is not worth fighting for...

Returning to the palace upset, the eunuch in charge greeted him flatteringly and said, "Your Majesty, you are back. Mrs. Huarui has arrived and is waiting for you in your bedroom."

He Lanhao was troubled, and all he could think about were the various expressions of Chao Gui, panicked, vivid, and eclipsed. Each expression made him remember it deeply and aroused it in his heart. After causing quite a stir, how could he be in the mood to visit Mrs. Hua Rui right now?

"Send her back, I have to deal with political affairs tonight!"

He Lanhao gave the order and headed towards Dong Cijian'er.

The eunuch in charge of the palace has already accepted Mrs. Huarui's gift of thanks. The servants in the palace have just accepted Mrs. Huarui's reward. If someone's hands are short, the eunuch hurriedly followed to the east room and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, Madam Huarui is already here. If you just send her back like this, Madam Huarui will not be able to hold her head high in this palace. She is also your concubine after all. You should show some kindness to her." ah!"

He Lanhao sneered and said: "It seems that your dog-like slave has accepted bribes from Mrs. Huarui, and you even dare to talk about my affairs!"

When the eunuch in charge heard this, he was so frightened that his legs weakened and he hurriedly said: "I don't dare, I don't dare. I will send Mrs. Huarui back right now..."

Mrs. Huarui, who was carried to His Majesty's bedroom with dignity, was sent back again.

This news spread throughout the palace overnight as if it had wings. The concubines in the harem were very happy. Although they were all He Lanhao's women in name, they had never been favored. Mrs. Duhuarui pinched the tip, how could they not be jealous, how could they not be envious and jealous?

So, early the next morning, everyone came to comfort and persuade her. Of course, the comfort and persuasion were just excuses, but in fact they were just to watch the fun and ridicule her.

The happiest person here is Miss Hannah. Originally, after returning from His Majesty's palace, she cried sadly and smashed many utensils and ornaments. However, after learning that His Majesty did not favor Hua Rui, she Madam Huarui, and after returning her intact jade to Zhao, she was so happy that she condescended to visit Madam Huarui for the first time, and by the way, she beat her up with the women who came to visit.

Chao Gui also heard about Mrs. Huarui being sent back. However, she was injured and had no time to take care of herself, so she had no intention of comforting the wronged woman!

After being warned by He Lanhao, Hannah became much more honest and never came to trouble Chao Gui again. Chao Gui, Xiaoman and Dong'er could finally recover in peace.

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