Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1800 Meeting a bully in a restaurant (1)

The Mengnu were a sparsely populated nation in the north of the Jin Dynasty. The people made a living by riding and shooting, and their folk customs were very tough. Since they occupied the Lingbei area, they have been in overt and covert fights with the Jin Dynasty for many years, with constant conflicts and disputes. , but since Nangong Yi regained Lingbei and Caiwei developed the glass industry in Lingbei, no more conflicts have broken out. The national economy has developed and people's living standards have improved, so naturally they are willing to submit to the Great Empire. Promoted.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Yi put the icing on the cake and called on the major cities in the north to trade with Lingbei, allowing the Mengnu people to use their own specialties, such as horses, sheep, camels, mink, etc., in exchange for the goods of the Jin Dynasty. Silk fabrics, porcelain, gold and silverware, tea, ironware, etc., and special officials were set up to control the prices of goods on both sides and try to make the transactions fair. In this way, the lives of the Mongolian slaves became richer, and they also felt more grateful to surrender to the great nation. Jin's benefits.

In addition, Nangong Yi also encouraged intermarriage between Mengnu and Jin people. All people who married between Meng and Jin were exempted from taxes for life, and were also rewarded with one acre of land and ten taels of silver.

With these policies, the Mengnu people and the Jin people have come closer, and the people of the two ethnic groups have gradually integrated into each other. In the future, they will not be afraid that they will have other ideas...

After Caiwei and Nangong Yi arrived in Lingbei, they collected the glass, checked the accounts of the commercial street, and checked the people's livelihood in Lingbei. When it got dark at night, they took advantage of the moonlight and returned to the land of Dajin. .

They set the transfer station as Lin'an Prefecture, planning to stay in Lin'an for a day and then return to the capital in the evening.

Lingbei is more than a thousand miles away from Lin'an Prefecture. When they arrived at Lin'an City, it was already dawn. The couple entered the space, took the white-haired tiger in, and hurried to visit the children and made breakfast for them.

The three little children often stay alone in the space and have adapted to it. Even if their parents are not around and Changmei is taking care of them, they will not be hungry or sleepy. Moreover, because they are often alone in the space, their ability to take care of themselves has become worse. Stronger.

With the nourishment of space spiritual energy, the children are very healthy. From birth to now, they have never been sick once. They are also very smart. They can recognize hundreds of words when they are less than two years old. Nangong Yi even plans to start teaching them horse steps and plum blossom piles in a few months.

After breakfast, the two kicked the children out, then hugged each other to catch up on their sleep. They had been running around doing homework all night. Although they didn't have to run on their own legs, they rode on the back of a tiger and blew in the cold wind all night. Staying in the same position until dawn is tiring enough. So, soon after lying down, they both fell into sleep and fell asleep...

The place where they stayed was a remote alley in Lin'an Prefecture. There were only two houses side by side in the alley. On the other side was the courtyard wall of a Taoist temple. The gate of the Taoist temple did not face this way, so there were only two houses in the alley. As these two households move around, they are not big households and do not have a large population, so they are very quiet, and it is not easy for anyone to notice when entering or exiting the space from here.

Not far from the alley is the busiest street in Lin'an City. They deliberately stopped here so that they could go shopping later.

About an hour after I fell asleep, a man's frightened cry suddenly came from the alley: "It's not good, someone is dead----"

Caiwei was awakened from her sleep. She could hear the sounds outside and see the scene outside. When she looked outside intently, she saw a shirtless man wearing only a pair of underwear. Zhizhi ran out, shouting as he ran: "It's not good, someone died, my mother-in-law hanged——"

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