Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1801 Meeting a bully in a restaurant (2)

His roar broke the tranquility of the early morning. Soon, people ran out from next door. Pedestrians who had come out early on the street not far away also heard it and ran over one after another to watch the excitement.

Caiwei sighed in her heart. She looked at the man who didn't look like he was twenty-three or four years old. His wife wasn't much older either. She was four or five years old at most. It was such a pity that she was hanged at such a young age!

More and more people were watching, pointing, talking, and noisy. Caiwei couldn't sleep anymore, so she simply opened her eyes and followed the fun.

In the yard of the house where the deceased died, two children were crying and calling for mother. The older one was only seven or eight years old, and the younger one was only three or four years old. Their childish cries and "mother" kept making people feel sad.

The onlookers couldn't bear it and said one after another: "Hey, you are so young, why can't you think so hard? If you leave these two little ones behind, how will you live in the future?"

"That's right, she kicked off her legs and closed her eyes, and she became pure. How can these two little motherless children live if they are left behind..."

At this time, the woman next door poked her head out from the wall, snorted and said, "I have seen that little daughter-in-law before. She is a gentle and obedient person. She will never commit suicide. You want me to see her?" , maybe it was Zhang Saner who strangled his wife to death and hung her up!"

"What, this sister-in-law, your life is at stake, you can't just talk nonsense!"

Everyone watching the excitement screamed. The mother-in-law's words were like a stone thrown into the lake, causing thousands of waves!

The mother-in-law curled her lips and said, "I don't dare to talk nonsense. Last night, Zhang San beat her mother-in-law. We heard it real here. The beating made ghosts cry and wolves howl like pigs. Maybe she was killed by him." He hung it up and then pretended that he committed suicide by hanging himself from the beam!"

"Oh, is this happening? So, is Zhang San really suspected of killing his wife?"

"I think so. Otherwise, how could a young man with two children be willing to die?"

"Hey, look, the government has come to do an autopsy. Look, Wu Zuo is also here. What happened will be clear soon!"

After hearing what they said, Caiwei raised her eyes and looked into the distance. Sure enough, she saw a catcher with two slaves and a gangster walking over in a swaggering manner.

The catcher and the slave were naturally dressed as official servants, but the prisoner was dressed in coarse silk clothes, with a broad black face covered with oil. He looked more like a butcher than an official servant.

According to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, when a person dies in a common family, he or she must be examined by official officials and widowers. Only after it is verified that the death of the deceased is a normal death can they be allowed to be buried, and the government will immediately deregister the person and deregister him. However, in remote areas of the country, In this place, people who die in the family are usually buried secretly. Because when officials are invited to come, they have to provide them with food and drinks. Before leaving, they have to spend one or two coins to send them away. Therefore, most of the people bear the burden. I can't help but bury the deceased secretly without anyone knowing.

But the people of Lin'an Prefecture can't do it. They are in a prosperous place. It is impossible to bury a dead person secretly. If the government finds out that it is a private burial, the family will be fined at least to lose all their property, and at worst, they will be given a robe. The crime of murdering and hiding a body is a crime, so no matter whether the family is rich or poor, after the death of a person, they will immediately report it to the government and ask the government to come and conduct an autopsy.

Not long after the arrester, Zaoli and Wuzuo entered the house, they heard a burst of shouting in the house: "You are wronged, sir, how could a villain kill his wife? Please tell me, sir!"

In the midst of the commotion, the man named Zhang San was bundled out. Zhang San had a grimace on his face and kept shouting that he was wronged.

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