Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1802 Meeting a bully in a restaurant (3)

Outside the yard, when everyone saw that the officers had tied Zhang San out, they all asked curiously: "Master, what's going on? Could it be that Zhang San really beat his wife to death and hung her up on the rafter?"

The head catcher said: "I have just experienced it. The deceased's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and one of his front teeth was knocked out. All the injuries were fresh. It can be seen that he was beaten to death and hung up. He falsely claimed that he committed suicide by hanging from the beam." "

Zhang San shouted: "My lord, I lost money in gambling yesterday. I had a bad idea. I did hit my mother-in-law a few times to vent my anger. Maybe she hanged her neck because she couldn't think about it for a moment. I really didn't kill her." , Even a villain doesn’t have the guts to kill someone, so tell the official a lesson!”

At this point, the man sneered, glanced at the people outside the courtyard, and pretended to bow his hands to everyone, saying: "Dear young and old, we all grew up listening to the stories of the older generations. We have all heard Are you going to pass the hanged ghosts? Those hanged people all have long tongues, some of which are as long as three inches! The wife of the Zhang family was hanging from the beam, and her tongue didn't even come out of her mouth. Isn't it strange? Just now, Cao Cao and I The first-class person entered the house and put the person down from the beam. Guess what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Everyone asked loudly, their curiosity was aroused, and they were eagerly waiting for his next words.

Wu Zuo coughed with dignity, and then raised his voice and said: "The rope around Mrs. Zhang's neck is so tight that she can't take it off! If this person hangs himself, the rope must be big enough to accommodate it." He lowered his head and got in. But the Zhang family's mother-in-law, the noose was tightly wrapped around her neck and she couldn't take it off! Let me ask, if it can't be taken off after death, how did she get it in when she was alive? This is obviously someone who strangled her. Die, hang from the rafters again!"

There was still silence outside the house. After a while, someone gradually figured it out and made bursts of realization.

"Zhang San'er, you have nothing to say to defend yourself this time, right?"

The catcher shouted, waved his hand, and signaled the two government officials to push Zhang Saner to the government office!

Zhang Sanbai couldn't argue, his face flushed with anxiety, and he shouted, "Master! The villain is really unjust! Although the villain likes to beat his wife, he will never kill her. Think about it, it was so easy for me to get a room." Wife, if I beat her to death, where can I get it from? The villain still has a pair of children at home. If my mother-in-law dies, how will they live? Please have mercy on us, father and son, and don’t wrong the villain. ah!"

The catcher said coldly: "The evidence is conclusive. How can you, a murderer like you, be wronged? Maybe you didn't want to kill your mother-in-law, but it's not known if you were killed by the wrong hand!"

Wu Zuo said: "Captain Cao, please don't quarrel with him. Once you take this guy to the court, give him a slap in the face. You won't be afraid that he won't admit it!"

Amid the cries of the two children, Zhang San'er was escorted away, and everyone dispersed. Only Zhang San'er's parents were left screaming and crying.

"My son has been timid since he was a child, but he doesn't dare to kill anyone. Although he likes to beat his wife, he will never kill anyone..."

However, no one listened to their excuses. When everyone saw the government officials escorting Zhang Saner, they all followed them to the government office to watch the fun...

Zhang San's parents tidied up, locked the door, and followed them to the Yamen to listen to the interrogation with their two little children.

A family tragedy temporarily came to an end, and the alley returned to silence. Caiwei looked at the man who was still sleeping, thought for a while, and suddenly emerged from the space and appeared in the alley.

At this moment, there is no one in the alley. There is a death in this house, so it’s okay for everyone to gather here to watch the excitement. But everyone has left, and those who don’t want to leave think it is unlucky, so naturally they have to stay away. .

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