Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1805 Meeting a bully in a restaurant (6)

Although Caiwei does not lack money to buy things, and the things she buys can be stored in the space, she still enjoys the feeling of being cared for and cared for by her man. So, she bought a lot of them willfully, and there were men helping her to hold them. When the men could no longer hold them, she stopped shopping with a smile.

"Mr., are you hot?" Caiwei held the handkerchief and gently wiped the fine beads of sweat on Nangong Yi's forehead.

It's already August, the hottest time of the year. It's too hot to stay indoors, but Caiwei took the man shopping for more than two hours. The man was almost cooked by the sun. But she still endured it tenaciously, just because of the heart that loved her so much, otherwise she would have gone to the teahouse to escape the summer heat!


Nangong Yi pretended to smile nonchalantly, saying that he wasn't too hot and could continue shopping with her.

Caiwei was reluctant to let the man suffer so much. In fact, she just had a sudden desire to play and wanted to test how patient the man was with her. After getting satisfactory results, she was not willing to let him continue to bask in the sun. After putting the things in his hands into the space, he took him, hired a car, and went to the most luxurious restaurant in Lin'an Mansion, Chengji Restaurant.

In fact, they are all used to eating food in the space, and they don’t feel good eating anything outside. But because they were too tired from shopping today, they didn’t have the energy to cook, so they looked for the best restaurant in Lin’an Prefecture. They came to the restaurant to solve the dinner problem. I hope this well-known restaurant will not disappoint them.

When we arrived at Cheng Ji Restaurant, we saw that the place was bustling with people coming and going, and there were rows of cars and BMWs parked there. Cheng Ji Restaurant has four floors, integrating dining, accommodation, and leisure. It can be said that a lot of money is spent here, and the dignitaries and nobles of Lin'an City are here. Places where wealthy businessmen come and go are not affordable for ordinary people...

"Come, madam. "

Nangong Yi got out of the car first and reached out to help Caiwei down. His sun-bright eyes were crimson, his smile was bright, and his handsome and masculine face would always attract countless side glances.

Caiwei held his hand and walked down. She followed the man and looked towards this famous restaurant. The waiter in front of the door had noticed them already. He was born with eyes that read countless people. At a glance, he knew that the two people in front of him were the same. The rich master was the kind of person who was not afraid of spending money, so he came up to him with a smile on his face and spoke with great enthusiasm.

"Would you like to stay in a hotel or have a meal?"

"A private room for dinner!"

"Okay, sir, please, please come with me."

The waiter enthusiastically led Caiwei and Nangong Yi into the restaurant.

I saw that the building was full of people, eating and drinking. It was very lively. In the hall on the first floor, there was a high platform in the middle. Someone was singing a little song. The cheers were louder than the waves, but no one noticed them. This group of people.

"Please follow the younger one to the private room on the fourth floor. The fourth floor is clean, but each private room is charged on time."


Nangong Yi nodded and didn't care about the extra charges Xiao'er said. He joined hands with Caiwei and followed the waiter upstairs.

This restaurant is luxurious and grand. The interior decoration uses thick colors. The overall look has a sense of grandeur. The colors on the first floor are a bit mixed, but when you go up to the second floor, it becomes much more refined and elegant. , the noise gradually subsided, and there was only the sound of their group's footsteps going upstairs. The voices in the private room on the second floor were obviously much quieter than those on the first floor, and occasionally mixed with ambiguous sounds that made people blush.

When they reached the corner on the third floor, a group of people suddenly appeared and blocked their way. As soon as the waiter looked up and saw the leader, he immediately stepped aside in fear and signaled Nangong Yi and Cai Wei behind them to also retreat. On the other hand, the people in front of me are all untouchable.

The real group of people are all prominent young men and buddies in Lin'an City. They are the local snakes here. They will give in to everyone when they see them. The leader is Zheng Yansong, the only son of the governor of Lin'an Prefecture. Behind Zheng Yanei are his group of followers. Moreover, the losers who usually eat, drink and have fun together are also the local rich squires, or the sons of officials under Lin'an City Governor Yin. At this time, this group of people were very drunk, and became more and more arrogant and domineering, staggering all the way downstairs. , they were going to find a beautiful girl in the brothel to have fun, but as soon as they left the third floor, they unexpectedly met a stunning beauty, who was countless times more beautiful than all the beauties they had seen put together. Woolen cloth!

"Ahem, who are you? A man and a woman alone come to a restaurant, but are you brothers and sisters?"

While peeping at the beauty, Zheng Yanei did not ignore the man next to the beauty, because this man's presence was too strong to be ignored.

He is tall and slender, with a handsome face that is astonishing to all living beings. There is a thin smile on that face, which looks lazy and sarcastic. Although there is no ruthlessness, there is a faint hint of it. Kill the majestic beast and swallow up the momentum of the great genius! It causes a sudden chill all over the body, right down to the soles of the feet.

Nangong Yi took a step forward and stood in front of Caiwei. He opened his thin lips and uttered only one word: "Get out!"

When Zheng Yanei saw Nangong Yi like this, he was naturally a little timid, but when his eyes turned to Caiwei's face, he was immediately fascinated by Caiwei's beauty. Seeing that he had a large number of people and that this was his father's territory, he immediately jumped up: "Hey, pretty boy, who are you scolding to get out of here?"

The bastard on the side also shouted: "Boy, did Mrs. Li eat the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's heart? If you dare to scold us, Zheng Yanei, does that mean you don't want to live anymore?"

"Boy, I urge you to kneel down and kowtow to Zheng Yanei to admit your mistake. Maybe Yanei will spare your life for your sister's sake!"

Nangong Yi's face turned cold, and he suddenly felt chilly. He didn't say a word. He turned around, stretched out a white hand, and in the blink of an eye, he touched Zheng Yanei's hand. He pressed his palm hard and lifted it up sharply. Zheng Yanei was knocked upside down and fell to the ground. At the same time, he only heard a "click" sound of broken bones. But that was not the end. At the same time, a foot stepped hard on his unconscious hand that was resting on the ground. , exerted force on his feet, and turned around several times, only to hear a few bones in his hand cracking and being stepped on, and then the whole third floor of the building heard Zheng Yanei's pig-killing screams...

The waiter's face was ashen with fright, and the losers in Zheng Yamen also came to their senses. They all surrounded him like a pot exploding. The drunkenness disappeared, and they woke up and started roaring.

"You are so brave, you dared to break Master Fu Yin's Yameni's hand, and even stepped on his hand bones."

Nangong Yi didn't answer, and flew out with a palm, hitting the man who yelled at him. He flew four or five meters away before falling to the ground. When he fell to the ground, the man had already vomited blood and could not get up. Got it!

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