Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1806 Chao Gei’s methods (1)

In the restaurant, the sound of fighting continued. In an instant, seven or eight young men and the thugs around them were beaten to pieces. Some had broken arms and legs, and they were crying from the stairs on the third floor to the The stairs on the second floor are piled on top of each other.

After knocking down these troublemakers, Nangong Yi wiped his hands and said calmly to the waiter: "Lead the way!"

The waiter in the shop could not stand still. His body was completely limp and his calves were shaking. He shook his head repeatedly and shivered for a long time before he spoke.

"Guest...guest...guest sir, villain...can't leave..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Yi raised his hand, and a piece of fine silver flew into his arms. Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Can I leave now?"

When the waiter saw this big, naked piece of silver, he swallowed his saliva, nodded and said, "Yes... yes..."

It is said that a man is a hero and money is a courageous person. Although the waiter was afraid of Zheng Yanei, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this twelve taels of silver. With the capital of these ten taels of silver, he resigned. At that moment, He took Nangong Yi and his wife to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is a high room, and there is not a single noisy person. It is very quiet. In addition, it is a bit far from the lobby on the first floor, and the noisy sounds cannot be transmitted, so the entire floor is silent.

"Ms., are you tired? You looked so handsome when you beat those scoundrels just now!"

Caiwei quickly arranged a warm towel to wipe the man's hands, and stood beside him flatteringly. Thinking of the man's awe-inspiring attitude just now, pink bubbles popped up in her eyes like a girl.

When Nangong Yi saw the woman like this, he couldn't help but said a little sternly: "That's natural. I think back then, your husband-in-law was rated as the number one son in the capital!"

Caiwei said sweetly: "I have heard about it. It is said that my husband was so talented and beautiful that no woman in the world could help but smile at you! However, I still snatched him away in the end." Here we go, hehehe..."

Nangong Yi also smiled, rubbed her head with the hand he had brushed, and said dotingly: "Stop patting the horse and think about what to eat tonight. I was shouting in the car a while ago, are you hungry?" "

Caiwei pouted and said, "I guess our dinner will be ruined. If the strong dragon doesn't suppress the local snake, I'm afraid those people are not easy to mess with. If you hurt them, I believe someone will find them soon." Came here."

Nangong Yi said nonchalantly: "Just come and find them. Are you still afraid of them?"

As expected by Caiwei, not long after, the group of young masters who had been beaten were carried back by their slaves and soon came back with a vengeance. The leader of the group was Mr. Fu Yin of Lin'an Prefecture. The precious only son was How could he not be jealous of being disabled? Soldiers and generals were immediately transferred from the government office, plus domestic servants from the rich and gentry families in Lin'an Prefecture. A large number of people came at once, and surrounded Cheng Ji Restaurant on three floors inside and three outside.

The lobby on the first floor of the restaurant was empty. When they knew that Zheng Yanei had been beaten, those who were eating, drinking and listening to the show had fled. Whoever had the courage to stay and watch the fun didn't want to live anymore.

The shopkeeper and the waiter were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They were standing outside the door with a group of waiters in the shop, giving gifts and modesty to the leading official, and slapping their own mouths.

The middle-aged man at the head was the governor of Lin'an Mansion. He was scolding the shopkeeper of Chengji Restaurant with an angry look on his face.

"Where are those two bitches? Hand them over quickly, otherwise, I will punish you for harboring a bandit!"

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