Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1807 Chao Gei’s methods (2)

"Hand it over, hand it over----"

The soldiers behind him cheered in unison, and the long sticks in their hands banged on the ground. Master Zheng raised his hand, and the sound of the sticks stopped. The surroundings were quiet, and Master Zheng's face was gloomy, fierce, and forbidding. Staring coldly in the direction of the stairs.

At the entrance of the stairs, a young man in a light blue robe walked down. He was swinging a folding fan leisurely, with a sneer on his lips. He was obviously as gentle as jade. It gave people a sense of suppressed bloodthirst. With a casual glance, everyone felt their hearts tremble and took a breath.

As soon as Nangong Yi appeared, a slightly injured young man standing next to Mr. Zheng stepped back in fear, pointed at Nangong Yi and said to Mr. Zheng: "My lord, it's him, he's the one who rewarded Yanei. This kid is a bit evil, so awesome."

After saying this, he couldn't help but shiver, and quickly ducked behind the officers and soldiers.

Nangong Yi looked at the shopkeeper leisurely and said, "This gentleman seems to be looking for me. I will handle it. Please bring the food to me quickly. My wife is hungry."

Mr. Zheng turned green. He, the majestic governor of Lin'an Mansion, a fourth-rank imperial official, and a student of Prime Minister Ning, was ignored by this yellow-haired kid. It was really disgusting.

At that moment, Mr. Zheng's face became ferocious and twisted, he glared at Nangong Yi, waved his hand and shouted.

"Capture this thug, give him eighty sticks first, and then take him back to the government office for detailed interrogation!"

At this time, there were many people watching the excitement gathered opposite Cheng Ji Restaurant. Everyone was a little worried. Although this young master looked very powerful, Mr. Zheng was the overlord of the party and had so many people under his command. He pitied this young man. I'm afraid I'm going to die today.

After hearing Master Zheng's words, Nangong Yi gave a soft cry. Before the group of officers rushed up, he took the initiative and kicked out Master Zheng. With full force, he kicked Master Zheng out and hit the crowd behind him, knocking him down. Several people.

People who were not knocked down immediately gathered around and tried to help Mr. Zheng up.

"Ouch, don't move!"

Master Zheng lay on the ground and screamed. He was spitting blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was twisted in pain, his head was dripping with sweat, and he stretched out his hands to cover his chest.

With this kick, Nangong Yi used 100% of his internal strength to break several of Mr. Zheng's ribs at once, piercing his internal organs and causing a heart-piercing pain.

The men immediately surrounded him and protected Mr. Zheng. Some of them drew their swords and wanted to attack Nangong Yi, but they just didn't have the courage.

"Give me...beat until I die..."

After Lord Zheng gave the last order, he finally gave up and passed out.

After receiving the order, the policemen under him had to step forward cautiously and try to capture Nangong Yi.

However, before they could take action, they saw a beautiful woman walking down the stairs, smiling at everyone and shouting: "Take it!"

In an instant, the man who injured Mr. Fu Yin suddenly disappeared, and even the beautiful woman disappeared, disappearing in full view of everyone...

"Hey, where are the people? Where are the people?"

Everyone screamed and kept circling in circles, looking for him. However, the man who committed the crime was nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, the man who committed the crime was standing under the big tree in the space, looking at his wife helplessly: "You just brought her in like this, aren't you afraid of causing panic among the people?"

Caiwei smiled and said, "It's better to choose the lesser of two evils. It's better to cause them to panic like this than to beat people until they have broken arms, legs, heads, and blood when a fight breaks out. These government officials are all guards." People who earn a living from the government's job are different from the thugs around Zheng Yanei. I can't bear to hurt them, so I might as well take you in and let's go back after dark!"

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