Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1808 Chao Gei’s methods (3)

Nangong Yi said: "Forget it, just wait until dark before going out. It's just that Mr. Zheng needs to check him carefully when he returns to Beijing..."

Dinner was cooked by Nangong Yi. Because he felt bad that Caiwei had to run around outside at night, he specially made a few more delicious dishes: fish-flavored shredded pork, white mushrooms in abalone sauce, kung pao chicken, and egg yolk-baked pumpkin.There is also a shrimp and seaweed soup.

Four dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables, full of color, flavor and flavor. While cooking, Caiwei took her three little kids to the hot spring to take a bath. The couple was out for the day, and the little ones almost turned the space upside down and made themselves dirty. Just like a little cat.

After bathing the babies, she also took a bath herself. However, while taking a bath, her lower abdomen was slightly swollen, probably because her aunt was about to arrive.

Under the care of the old turtle, Caiwei's aunt has always been very punctual and can accurately tell the time. The difference from one month to the next is up to three hours, and sometimes it is only half an hour. She calculated that if nothing unexpected happened, her aunt should come tomorrow morning, and no later than noon at the latest.

While having dinner, Caiwei looked outside while enjoying the food. She found that all the government officials outside Chengji Restaurant had left and probably went back. She said, "I saw that Zheng Fuyin was kicked off by you." I've broken several ribs, I don't know if my life is in danger."

Nangong Yi helped her pick up a piece of fish and said, "I just used the force to kill him. Although he didn't die immediately, his broken ribs had already pierced his internal organs. If your internal organs are injured, you will die within two days!"

Caiwei put the fish that the man had put into her bowl into her mouth, and while chewing, she said, "Although he is a little spoiled by his son, it seems that his crime is not worthy of death, and you still use this method to kill people." , isn’t it a bit too cruel?”

Nangong Yi said: "He is a foolish official and has harmed the country. He can't even educate his own son well, so how can he educate the people? Let a selfish and narrow-minded person like him be the governor of a state. It is really harmful. I don’t know how many evil things he has done since he became governor? Now that he is dead like this, I still feel that I have taken advantage of him!"

Caiwei listened without saying a word, lowered her head and continued eating.

She didn't pay much attention to Zheng Fuyin's matter. The upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. His son was so virtuous, so she expected him to be no better. Since Nangong Yi insists on letting him die, then let him die...

At night, it was completely dark. Caiwei and Nangong escaped from the space, rode white-haired tigers, and headed towards the capital...

The bright moon was in the sky, the stars were dotted, and under the gentle night wind, the faint sound of the piano came out through the night wind.

In the palace of Xianbei Kingdom

He Lanhao sat on the sedan chair and vaguely heard the touching sounds of nature. Sometimes the piano sound was as high as clouds and the harp sound was as low as a whisper; Sometimes the sound of the harp is exciting, and sometimes the sound of the harp is empty... The harp and the harp merge at different times. When they are together, they flow as smoothly as a river flowing into the sea, and when they separate, they move as smoothly as a shallow stream divides rocks.


As soon as he raised his hand, the sedan stopped. The eunuch in charge stepped forward and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Go and check, who is playing the piano?"


As soon as the eunuch in charge stepped back, he turned around and said, as if he had thought of something, "Your Majesty, are you going to Han Yue Palace tonight..."

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