Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1819 Chrysanthemum is saved (5)

Although the family members are all fine, almost all the houses in the Mu Mansion have collapsed, and those that have not collapsed are also in danger. There are many cracks in the walls, and the windows have been squeezed and twisted out of shape, making it impossible for people to live in them.

Fortunately, the weather is August now, so it doesn't matter even if you live outside. However, those who died must be buried as soon as possible to avoid the hot weather and plague and other diseases.

Generally, there would be small-scale aftershocks after a major earthquake. Caiwei asked her father to tell the maids and ladies in the house not to search for things in the collapsed house. Everyone should gather under the verandah if nothing happened.

After giving her instructions, Caiwei left in a hurry. The capital was in chaos now, and she had to go back as soon as possible to help the man take charge of the overall situation!

The situation in the palace was much more serious than Caiwei imagined. When she left in the morning, the palace was still majestic and majestic. But when we met again, only the ruins of the palace were left. .

This palace is still left over from the previous dynasty. Many of the palace rooms appear to be splendid on the surface, but in fact they have long been aged inside. Now that they have been shaken, they will naturally collapse and collapse. There is not much left. !

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a group of ministers who came to pay their respects were talking in low voices, each with a sad face.

This disaster will not be over in a short while, because it involves many issues, including post-disaster reconstruction, refugee resettlement, post-disaster hazards and other hidden dangers, etc...

What worries them is not only the issue of post-disaster reconstruction, but also the fact that everyone lost a lot of wealth in this disaster! For example, Duke Fu Guo, it is said that he likes collecting ancient porcelain most, and he spent more than half of his property on collecting them.

It's a pity that during the earthquake just now, several of his warehouses where his collections were stored collapsed, and his priceless treasures were turned into a pile of porcelain pieces by the earthquake, and they were already worthless...

After Nangong Yi came out, everyone immediately came forward to say hello and discuss post-disaster issues with him. Caiwei originally planned to discuss the post-disaster handling issues with him, but since the officials were here, she could not discuss it with the man, so she entered the space and began to try the proportioning method of making physiological saline and the simple method of making distilled water. .

At this moment, the capital is full of wounded people. There are countless people with broken arms and legs. The weather is very hot. If the wounds are not disinfected and disinfected in time, they will become inflamed and infected. Once infected, the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, make physiological saline as soon as possible. Physiological saline can be used externally or internally. It can be used to replenish body fluids, clean wounds and change dressings. It is much better than raw water. It needs to be mixed with distilled water. Distilled water rinses the wound, which can make the remaining tumor cells in the wound necrotic, lose their activity and prevent their growth.

She had already sent Juhua back to Shen's Mansion. Old Wugui had given her a thorough examination and found that she had not suffered any other injuries except for being a little frightened, so he only gave her something to calm her nerves. After receiving the pills, Caiwei asked Caiwei to send her back.

When Huanqiu sent Juhua back to the Shen Mansion, fortunately, the Shen family and his wife were safe. When they saw their lost daughter, they felt like they had found a treasure. They held her daughter and cried uncontrollably, expressing their condolences to Huanqiu. The Queen's gratitude.

Originally, when the earthquake happened today, the couple were still worried. If the Queen didn't go, wouldn't their daughter be dead? Or, the Queen is gone, and an earth dragon happens to turn over. If the Queen dies because of saving their daughter, wouldn't their sin be great?

Fortunately, the Empress was fine and their daughter was found. Thank God. The Empress was indeed lucky enough to be able to protect their daughter in such an environment. She was truly a phoenix. Damn it...

An Earth Dragon Rollover claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people in Kyoto. There were ruins everywhere, with countless corpses buried underneath. More people were injured because of the Earth Dragon Rollover, and they were struggling hard with their stumps. There were many The children's parents were killed in this huge disaster. For a time, a sad atmosphere enveloped the entire Kyoto, and homeless people were everywhere, with nowhere to go.

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