Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1820 Xiangyun Province (1)

In this disaster, Kyoto was most affected. The suburbs and surrounding areas were better off, but most of the people were from poor families and had only a few houses as their own property. Now they have been destroyed by the earthquake. , all suffered a big blow.

In order to appease people's hearts, Nangong Yi has issued orders to open warehouses to release grain, open the treasury, and help the people build new houses. For fear that the people would starve, he ordered officials to give out porridge and some steamed buns and pickles at major intersections. He and Caiwei also used their private money to open dozens of porridge shops to give alms to officials.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Li Guogong wants to see you!"

Huan Qiu stood outside the curtain and reported in a low voice to the curtain. Now the palaces in the palace have collapsed. Although the remaining palaces have not collapsed, no one dares to live in the crumbling ones. Caiwei and Nangong Yi took them with them. The children lived in the pavilion in the Linshui Pavilion. The pavilion was surrounded by curtains. It was midsummer now, so it was cool and cheap to live in this pavilion with ventilation from all sides. However, it was just next to the water that there were more mosquitoes and the eunuchs who were waiting on them. People often wonder, why is there not a single mosquito bite on the Emperor's body or face? Why don't mosquitoes bite them? Not only did they not bite them, but the faces of the little princes were completely bare, with not a single mosquito bite at all!

It’s really weird!

"Let her in. "

At this moment, Caiwei was sitting in the space settling accounts. She had been almost sleepless during this period. There was a faint greenish black under her eyes, and her cheeks were a little sharper, which made her eyes look bigger. She wore an ivory t-shirt, as a way of expressing her condolences for the dead people!

The old lady came in with a sad look on her face. In just a few days, her originally round cheeks became sunken, and her usually kind-hearted features also became somewhat sad.

"Greetings to the Queen, the Queen is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old----"

As soon as she came in, the old lady knelt down to greet Caiwei in a polite manner. The old lady knew etiquette and respected her duties the most. Although Caiwei and Nangong Yi told her several times that there was no need to salute them, she just didn't listen. , every time we meet, we have to kneel down and pay homage before we stop!

"Grandma, get up quickly. Are you trying to hurt Weier?"

Caiwei stood up personally and helped the old lady up, saying, "What gust of wind brought you here? Is everything settled at home? I heard that my sister-in-law passed away. It's such a pity..."

"Hey, who wouldn't say yes!"

When she mentioned her eldest grandson's daughter-in-law, the old woman's eyes suddenly turned red, and she wiped away her tears and said, "I am still alive for heaven's sake, but she died at such a young age. Oh, why is God so cruel?" Open your eyes, take back my old bones and keep her young..."

"Stop saying that!"

Caiwei hurriedly comforted her and said: "You have your own longevity skills. Maybe my sister-in-law has exhausted her life and returned to heaven to become a fairy!"

"Oh, I hope so!"

The old lady held back her tears and continued: "It may not be a bad thing if some people die, and it may not be a good thing if some people are still alive. For example, our Li'er's legs have been broken. Yao Yuanjian said that he would never get up in this life. He was also arrogant. Now that his leg was broken, it would be better to kill him. The child was afraid that we would worry. Although he didn't say it, we could see it. When he came out, he had collapsed. He would often not say a word for a whole day. One action could last for several hours. He would never call anyone when no one called him. Your grandfather and I were worried to death... "

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