Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1822 Xiangyun Province (3)

Caiwei listened and thought for a long time. At the critical moment, she realized the importance of food. It seems that space will store more food in the future. Just two days after the earthquake, Changmei and Yingge were ordered to harvest and cultivate in space. , now I have planted two crops of rice, which has been threshed and packed into coarse cloth bags. In the warehouse of the space, the rice bags have been piled high.

However, these rice are used to make seeds for the common people, and now they may have to be used for emergencies. But rice alone is not enough. The vegetables in the space were planted by Nangong Yi in his spare time. Even though the yield is high, it cannot last for many days. Fortunately, there is no shortage of salt. After thinking about it, she said, "Rice porridge alone cannot If you are full, why not take out all the rice and vegetables stored in the space, cut the vegetables and put them in the porridge. Fortunately, there is also salt, so everyone can eat the vegetable porridge."


Nangong Yi hugged Caiwei gently, feeling extremely moved in her heart, "You can always help me when I am in the most difficult times. I really don't know how much virtue I have accumulated in my previous life, so that I can marry you in this life..."

The problem of grain and rice in the capital was quickly solved, and there was no longer any worries, because after the new emperor Wanyan Jingchen of the Qingluo Kingdom received the news of the disaster in the Jin Kingdom, he immediately pulled out 800,000 shi of grain and 50 carts of grain. Herbs and 300,000 taels of silver were sent to Jin Dynasty overnight.

After Queen Wu Xiangyun heard that her father died in this disaster and her mother was injured, she immediately cried and clamored to go back to Dajin to visit. The emperor loved his wife very much, but when he saw the queen crying day and night, no matter how hard he tried to coax her, he had no choice but to agree.

Of course, he was not worried about the queen returning to Dajin alone, so he immediately informed his father, the emperor, and his mother that he would take the queen to Dajin to visit relatives and ask his father to act as an agent in the government.

The Supreme Emperor is now in the harem every day, coaxing and playing with the Queen Mother Namuhan's two young grandsons. His life is like a fairy. Even all his illnesses have been cured without knowing it. How can he return to the previous dynasty to work? Wanyan Jingchen had no choice but to make a big move, saying that if he could not accompany the queen back to Dajin, the queen would go back with her two sons.

When the Supreme Emperor heard that he was going to take away his two golden grandchildren, it was as if he was going to die. Not to mention leaving for a few months, he couldn't do it even if he couldn't see these two little kids for one day, so , had to reluctantly agree, but he did not agree in vain. He asked his son and wife to give him another grandson, a granddaughter is also acceptable. He is old and has no other preferences. He just likes to take care of children and likes children. Even if it doesn't work, he always feels that two children are too few and it would be better to have more. The partial son felt sorry for his wife and said that having two sons was enough and he would not let her get pregnant again.

Born into a royal family, two children were too few, and they had to give birth to at least four or five. However, seeing how the son protected his wife, it was obviously impossible for them to have four or five, so they had to ask for more. One, this request is quite reasonable, and I don’t expect my son-in-law to refuse to agree.

Wanyan Jingchen really didn't agree. He saw with his own eyes the pain and danger of Xiangyun's childbirth, and he was never willing to let her suffer that pain again. However, Xiangyun, who was eager to go home, secretly agreed to the proposal behind Wanyan Jingchen's back. requested, and the matter was resolved.

Three days later, Wanyan Jingchen and Xiangyun left the palace and went to the Great Jin Kingdom...

King Helanhao of Xianbei also sent 500,000 shi of grain, 100,000 jins of cotton and 10,000 pieces of cloth to the Jin. He did this not only for the sake of the friendship between the two countries. , and even more so to give him the dignity of a queen.

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