Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1823 Xiangyun Province (4)

Chao Gei has penetrated deeper and deeper into his heart. Through contact, he found that his queen is not only as beautiful as a flower, but also has almost perfect character, talent, cultivation and other aspects. In comparison, the willful and arrogant Hannah , looking even more vulgar and unbearable against her background.

However, even though he was psychologically biased towards Chao Gei, Hannah had grown up with him after all, and she was also the nanny's only daughter, so even if he didn't like it, he was still very good to Hannah in terms of face!

One month after his wedding to Chao Gui, he appointed Hannah as the imperial concubine as promised, and she still had the power to co-manage the Sixth Palace. The only difference was that the queen and she took over the power to manage the harem together. He Lanhao ordered that Chao Gui He is in charge of people and Hannah is in charge of accounting. They each perform their own duties and have nothing to do with each other.

Hannah was very uneasy about He Lan Hao's changes, but she was not the kind of scheming and forbearing person. Seeing that He Lan Hao was leaning towards the queen day by day, what she was doing was not trying to win back He Lan Hao's heart. , but spared no effort to cause trouble for Chao Gui, or ran to He Lanhao and cried out how sorry he was for her and her dead mother.

Gradually, He Lanhao didn't want to see Hannah less and less, and the affection he had had since childhood had been almost consumed by her. One night, after listening to the song "Mountains and Flowing Waters" played by Chao Gui, he left. After that, he had a substantial relationship with Chao Gei. It was precisely because of this that he doted on Chao Gei even more...

Liao Dan also sent a lot of relief materials to the Jin Kingdom, including 200,000 cattle and sheep, 50,000 taels of gold, 100,000 kilograms of dried meat, and 100,000 skins.

Saknu is now the father of six children. In addition to the Yan family, there are many women in his harem. These women were carefully found for him by his subordinates. Regardless of their origins, they all have one thing in common. The characteristic is that she is more or less similar to the queen of the Jin Dynasty, either in appearance, voice, or personality. The more similar she is to Queen Mu, the more favored she will be.

Saknu was extremely capable, and he could favor two or three women every night. Therefore, in just two years, six children were born, not counting those who died in infancy and those who were pregnant. If all are counted, he is already the father of more than a dozen children.

Although Saknu has never forgotten that person in his heart, he also knows that he will never be able to get that person in this life, and he can only relieve his pain of lovesickness through a woman similar to her.

However, when he heard that there was an earthquake in the capital of Dajin, he was still worried about her in the bottom of his heart. He almost made an order to set off to Dajin to visit her, but his mother, Mrs. Xiao, stopped him in time.

In Mrs. Xiao's words, even if he went to Jin Dynasty, the emperor of Jin Dynasty would not allow him to see his queen, and it would be in vain for him to go.

When Saknu thought so, he reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​going to see her and just sent out the relief materials.

Perhaps, he will never be able to see her again in this life...

With Caiwei's support, Nangong Yi's porridge shop insisted on going to other prefectures to transfer grain to Beijing, solving the people's food problem, and the reconstruction of the capital was in full swing.

Brick and tile carpenters from all over the country flocked to the capital, and they could find work building houses, temples, and palaces wherever they went. The houses of the common people were built with money from the imperial court, and the styles of the houses were designed by Liu Xi. With the modern brick and tile structure, each family was given a three-room brick house. Large families disdained to live in small houses, so each household was given five pieces of glass to facilitate their use after repairing the house.

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