Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1824 Xiangyun Province (5)

The palace also began to be fully rebuilt. Caiwei and her people collected the discarded wood to make coffins for the people, because many people died in the earthquake, and many seriously injured people continued to die. The city The coffin shop in Guangxi has long been sold out, and some people simply went to Qixia Mountain to look for available coffins.

Because of the earthquake, Qixia Mountain has been transformed. Many coffins were exposed after the earthquake. The coffins with relatives were buried and repaired in time. The tombs without relatives were just exposed to the outside, letting the wind and sun blow. show.

On Qixia Mountain, there are rotting corpses, white bones and broken coffins everywhere.

This incident was reported to Nangong Yi. Nangong Yi also ordered his subordinates to clean up Qixia Mountain and bury the exposed coffins in time. He also issued an order not to allow people to go back to Qixia Mountain to search for coffins. However, the people of Jin Dynasty They all attach great importance to the dead and believe that if their deceased relatives are buried without coffins after death, they will become inferior people in the other world, and there will be no way to protect them.

Therefore, even if there is the will of the Holy One, there is still no way to prevent someone from secretly running to Qixia Mountain to find abandoned coffins for use. What is even more unethical is to simply dig out the relatives who have just been buried and bury them at will, and then use the coffins of others. Steal it and use it at home.

There were endless cases like this, which gave Nangong Yi a headache. Caiwei proposed to collect the abandoned wood from the collapsed palaces and houses to make coffins for the people. Although the wood was old, it could still be used for making coffins. , it’s better than the coffins used by others!

This suggestion was undoubtedly adopted by Nangong Yi. When the people received the wood that was enough to make a coffin for them, they were all excited, because these things came from the palace, and they were all full of auspiciousness. They were given to their own family. If your loved ones are wrapped up, they will definitely let them bless your home!

Caiwei participated in the design of the palace's construction. The style of the design combines ancient and modern times. Each palace is equipped with large glass windows, allowing sunlight to fully shine in, making each palace look bright and bright. It is no longer as gloomy as in the past. It was a dark, old-fashioned palace.

During this period, Yinggeer had already collected information on a dozen women similar to Xiangyun. Caiwei handed all this information into the hands of the old lady and asked her to figure it out. As for how the old lady handled it Yes, Caiwei had no time to ask, because she had just received news that the emperor and queen of Qingluo Kingdom had come to Jin Dynasty and were almost arriving in the capital!

Caiwei had not seen Xiangyun for two or three years. She was naturally very happy when she learned that she was coming back. What made her even more happy was that there was enough money and there were not many palaces built in the palace this time, only a dozen or so. The construction of the palace garden was completed in less than three months.

When Xiangyun comes, she can invite her to live in the palace. She still has many personal words to say to Xiangyun!

The names of the built palaces were all taken by Nangong Yi and Cai Wei. Except for the palace where the Supreme Emperor practiced cultivation, which continued to be called Qixia Palace, most of the rest were renamed. The palace where Cai Wei and Nangong Yi lived was in Sijin Palace. It was built on the original site of the palace and was named Shouxian Palace. The three buns also have their own palaces, but they are still young, so they will live with their parents for the time being, and they will be separated when they are older.

Jin Baozi's palace is called Chengqian Palace. Chengqian Palace was the residence where Nangong Yi and Caiwei lived during their wedding. It was later abandoned due to Tuo Tuo's poisoning. However, the Chengqian Palace that is now built is the only other palace in the palace. The largest palace outside Shouxian Palace. Because Jin Baozi will inherit the position of prince in the future and is the eldest son, his residence is more gorgeous and spacious than other Baozi's. The layout is similar to the previous Chengqian Palace, but it is Caiwei has added many modern elements into it, making it look much more comfortable than the previous Chengqian Palace.

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