Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1827 Chrysanthemum Wedding (2)

These are all his unfilial faults. This time, he wants to compromise once, accept the kindness of his elders, and become a descendant who no longer needs to worry about his elders!

"Sir, it's time to take your medicine, please take it first!"

A girl who looked very much like Xiang Yun poured out his soup from the stove and carefully brought it to him.

"Leave it for now, I'll drink it later!" Mo Zili looked out the window and said calmly.

Outside the window, the illustrious team had disappeared, but he still couldn't bear to look back. After seeing her today, he didn't know when he would see her next. Maybe he would never see her again in this life. We can only wait until next life to meet...

"But... Young Master, the old lady has told you to take your medicine on time, and you are weak and should not sit by the window for a long time. It will be bad if you are blown by the wind!"

The girl persuaded her earnestly, her eyes never leaving that melancholy and sad handsome face for a moment, and her love couldn't help but reveal itself!

She was originally the daughter of a poor family. She lived with her parents and brothers in a remote and barren countryside. She farmed a few acres of thin land and lived in a few shabby thatched houses that could barely keep out the wind and rain. She ate brown rice steamed buns and clear wild vegetable soup. When times are bad, you have to eat grass seeds, wild vegetables and tree bark...

Since she was a child, she had exchanged marriages with a lame bricklayer from a neighboring village. She had agreed to change her marriage after the Queen Mother's national mourning this year. Unexpectedly, one day, several well-dressed people came to the house. She was accompanied by the local county magistrate and the local Li Zheng. When those people met her parents, they directly took out five hundred taels of silver and wanted to buy her to be a maid in the capital.

My parents had worked hard all their lives and had not even saved one tael of silver. Suddenly, they had five hundred taels. They were stunned by this huge happiness.

She was also willing to go to the capital to work as a maid, because she didn't want to marry that lame and ugly country man, especially when she saw the dignified county magistrate and the usually majestic Li Zheng fawning and servile in front of those people. When she looked like this, she was even more sure that the place she was going to was a good place, a paradise beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So, my parents signed a sales document with that group of people. For the sake of the five hundred taels that were shining, my parents did not hesitate to put their fingerprints on the document...

Later, she came to the capital with these people and lived in the paradise-like Duke Li Guo's mansion. She even saw a handsome young man who shocked her. The young man was engaged to a lame bricklayer in the countryside. Comparing it, it was as if there was a difference between clouds and mud, no, the difference between clouds and dog shit. Just one look at it made her heart pound, and she could no longer take her eyes away.

It's a pity that the young master's leg was broken. It is said that it was injured by the earth dragon when he turned over. Now he can't even walk.

She felt very distressed. How could such a handsome young man, a man of heavenly proportions, become disabled?

Her fiancé was also lame before. At that time, she only felt disgust towards lame people. But since she saw him, her heart ached and she wanted to take good care of him and stay with him, even if she did Even the meanest girl, she is happy with it!

There were a dozen other girls serving him with her. After they met each other, they were all surprised to find that they were somewhat similar to each other, making them look like sisters. Moreover, they were from different places. From all directions in the Jin Kingdom, I really don’t know how Duke Li’s Mansion found them!

However, although their looks are similar, their backgrounds are different. Some are daughters of poor families like her, others are daughters of a well-off family, Biyu, one is a daughter of a local silk merchant, and there is even a child bride from a middle peasant family. , the prostitute in the brothel...

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