Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1828 Chrysanthemum Wedding (3)

Everyone has different origins, but their role here is the same. They are all here to accompany and serve Master Zili.

On the first day she arrived, she was taken to bathe in the fragrant soup, and then put on a satin dress that she had never worn before. The satin was as smooth as water, with beautiful patterns woven on it, even the most famous ones in the village. Neither Mr. Zheng nor his daughter-in-law had ever worn such fine clothes; the mansion also gave them jewelry, rouge, and separate rooms. The jewelry was made of gold and jade, and they were all of the highest quality, which made her eyes wide open. She couldn't believe her eyes. She had never seen such beautiful and expensive jewelry in her life. She didn't expect that these things turned out to be her face...

Rouge is also very good. It smells like flowers. When you rub it on your face, your face will immediately become whiter and fragrant...

Later, they were arranged to study. Some people taught them etiquette, some taught them makeup, and some taught them reading, literacy, playing the piano and painting to improve their literacy.The housekeeper’s wife told them that as long as they could study hard and please Mr. Li, they could live like this forever in the future.

She likes to live such a life, and wants to live such a life forever. It’s okay that she has never lived such a life before, but once she has lived it, she will never be able to return to her shabby home, low and broken grass. She went to the room, so she was more attentive than anyone else. No matter what she was studying, although she was not the best at studying, she was the one who studied at the most attentiveness.

They were arranged in groups of four to take turns serving the young master. In the group with her was the rich lady of the silk merchant, and a poor man who was born in a brothel. The other was Xiaojiabiyu from a middle peasant family. A few of them are used to being used and don't know how to serve others at all. She was the only one who was the most diligent, always had an eye for things, and never got tired. Therefore, she quickly stood out among these people and showed her talents. She was noticed by the prince and appointed as his personal maid.

Her real name was Third Sister, but after she came to Duke Li's Mansion, the old lady changed her name to Huanyun. The girls who came with her also changed their names to Heyun, which is the Chinese character for Xiang. The girls from the Xiang generation are from a better background than the girls from the Yun generation. Most of them are the daughters of wealthy families. The Yun generation are all from poor backgrounds and their behavior is vulgar. Very soon, she was the only one who was smart. She quickly learned the etiquette of a girl from a wealthy family. In just one month, she behaved the same as a girl from the Hunan generation. In addition, she was diligent in her hands and feet, and she was dedicated to serving the young master. After working hard, he is now the best among more than a dozen girls!

"Bring the medicine!"

Mo Zili stretched out his hand and still looked out the window. Although he could no longer see anything, he still couldn't bear to look away.

Huan Yun picked up the medicine and gently placed it in Mo Zili's hand. He quickly poured a cup of water soaked in Gong Zao, preparing to relieve the young master's pain.

Mo Zili picked up the medicine bowl, drank it all without frowning, and then handed the medicine bowl back: "Take it!"

Huan Yun took the bowl and quickly handed over the cup in his other hand: "Sir, the medicine is bitter, drink some and someone can relieve the bitter taste!"

"No, you go down, I want to be alone for a while!"

Mo Zili ordered quietly, his pale and haggard face already showing a hint of anger because of the noise.

Huan Yun was a good judge of eyes. When he saw that the young master was unhappy, he hurriedly and quietly stepped aside, but did not leave the room. He just stood in the corner and stayed quietly, trying his best to reduce his sense of presence so as not to cause trouble. The young master is upset.

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