Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1845 Overthrowing Hannah (2)

As soon as she returned to the palace, Hannah suddenly raised the hand that was supporting the maid, looked at the sticky blood on it, and said angrily: "You are so dirty, you are indeed a lowly maid, even the blood is dirty." , come here, strip her naked for me, and give her forty lashes.

When the maid heard this, she was so frightened that she cried out: "My dear concubine, please spare your life..."

The whips in Hannah's palace are all made of leather strips, which are extremely strong. They may not seem heavy when they are struck on the body, but they will cause the skin to burst and the flesh to rip apart. Even three or five whips will make people unbearable, let alone peeling them off. Even if she was given forty lashes, she would be in mourning before the forty lashes were finished!

However, Hannah was so angry that he was taking it out on her, so how could he spare her? Therefore, he raised his eyes and shouted: "If the master wants you to die, you must die, and you dare to plead with me. Come, give her another forty lashes until she is dead!"

The guards swarmed up, holding hands and pulling back hair. Ignoring the maid's cries and pleas, they stripped her naked in a few strokes and whipped her.


The crisp sound of the whip sounded, and the maid's screams filled the night sky. Hannah sat on her chair, looking at the maid who was beaten with blood and flesh everywhere by the whip, imagining that the queen and concubines she hated were like this tortured person. Maid, the anger in her heart gradually subsided.

At this time, a maid who was waiting outside hurried in and shouted: "Master, your Majesty is here!"

"What? What did you say?"

Hannah was startled and stood up from her seat. She was startled by the news, but immediately saw the beaten and dying maid on the ground. She immediately shouted in a hurry: "Hurry, hide her!" stand up!"

The last time she abused her servants, He Lanhao had reprimanded her, saying that she had a violent temper and was not as kind as the queen. He also asked her to learn from the queen and learn from other people's tolerance and self-cultivation.

At that time, she almost became angry to death, but because He Lanhao spoke, she had no choice but to endure it. It had been a long time since she had abused a servant. Today, it was because she was so angry that she relapsed. Unexpectedly, she was Your Majesty caught up, what a bad luck!

Before He Lanhao entered the courtyard, he heard the wailing of the maids in Hannah Palace. He frowned and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

After entering the dormitory, I saw two guards dragging a badly beaten woman and trying to hide it behind the palace. A long trail of blood was dragged all over the floor. It looked shocking!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, why... are you here?" Hannah stepped forward to greet him, looking at He Lanhao's face with a guilty conscience, and asked anxiously.

He Lanhao said coldly: "If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have known that you had committed this cruelty again. It's true that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit!"

After that, he flicked his sleeves and walked out angrily.

Hannah hurriedly grabbed his sleeve and shouted: "Your Majesty, listen to me, I was so angry with them that I sat down in confusion. You don't know, they are all helping the queen to bully me." Me, ridicule me, I... feel so sad..."

He Lanhao sneered and said: "I think you shot a cold arrow at the queen's horse, causing her to almost fall off the horse and fall to death. Then she fainted and was whipped by you. She still has deep scars on her body. Don't you bully others? The queen has been so wronged, but she didn't say a word to you. Just now she took the initiative to persuade me to come to your place to accompany you. But you, you are ruthless, ruthless, jealous, and not virtuous. You are angry at the innocent palace maid because I don't come. It's really because you are resentful towards me. You beat the palace maid into such a miserable state. It's really because you are cruel and you are trying to get hold of other concubines. You want to pass your sins on to others. It's really just you. Unjust. How can a person like you deserve to be a concubine?"

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