Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1846 Overthrowing Hannah (3)

After hearing He Lanhao's stern words, Hannah immediately became nervous. She held the man's sleeve and whispered: "Your Majesty..."

He Lanhao swept her sleeves, brushed her aside, and said in a cold voice: "From now on, your title will be deprived of your title, you will be concubine, you will be banned from the palace, and you will not be allowed to go out without an edict..."

After that, he gave her a cold look and left.

Hannah fell to the ground, looking at He Lanhao's leaving back, heartbroken, crying: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

But He Lanhao didn't look back and didn't even look at her again.

He returned to Yuzhao Palace angrily. Chao Gui was taking a bath and preparing to go to bed later. When he saw the livid-faced man, he said softly: "Why is Your Majesty back again? Didn't you agree to stay at Concubine Ling's place tonight?"

When He Lanhao saw the woman who was as gentle as water in the thick bathtub, his anger disappeared a lot. He waved his hand and asked Xiaoman, who was standing by the bathtub to serve Chao Gui to take a bath, to bring him a stool. , sat on the edge of Chao Gei's bathtub, and said in a deep voice: "Hannah abused the servants again, and she also wants to blame her sins on others. This is so abominable. I have already punished her, alas. , the same woman, how could there be such a big gap? You are as gentle and kind as a fairy, but she is as cruel as a poisonous snake, which is disgusting to look at. It is a shame that I have been so good to her all these years. It is really disappointing. Got it!"

Chao Gui lowered his head and said softly: "Why did your Majesty punish her?"

He Lanhao said: "I deprived her of her title, demoted her to the rank of concubine, and grounded her indefinitely. If she can reflect on her mistakes, I might be able to forgive her for the sake of the nanny. If she is still so arrogant and vicious." If so, let her stay there all her life and fend for herself!"

With that said, he signaled Xiaoman to retreat.

Seeing this, Chao Gui said angrily: "What are you doing, Your Majesty? You sent Xiaoman away, but who will serve me?"

He Lanhao said, "How about I serve you?" As he said this, he actually rolled up his sleeves and wiped Chao Gui's back.

Under the candlelight, Chao Gui's skin was white and smooth, like gelatin. It was soft and tender to the touch. But if you looked closely, you could still see the crisscrossing scars, which made He Lanhao's heart ache.

He gently stroked the light pink scars and said in a low voice, "Does it still hurt?"

Chao Gui smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I don't feel any pain for a long time. I just feel itchy when it's cloudy and rainy. Thanks to the scar removal ointment that Queen Mu sent me, otherwise it would be so ugly now!"

He Lanhao gently hugged Chao Gui from behind and said: "A kind heart makes you beautiful. No matter how deep and heavy the scars on your body are, you are still the most beautiful in my heart. Unlike some people who are empty-handed." On the outside, it’s the heart of a snake!"

He Lanhao, who was looking at the mirror, was talking about Hannah, and he smiled softly in his heart. Her goal had been achieved perfectly, and she was in a really good mood.

She had long known that Hannah liked to abuse her servants to vent her anger, so she deliberately calculated her time and persuaded He Lanhao to go to Hannah's place just to let Helan Hao see Hannah's ugly face, and then let He Lanhao see her. He Lanhao hated her even more!

Isn't she arrogant and arrogant, not taking other people's dignity and lives seriously? This time, she will pay a heavy price...

Chao Gui leaned gently on He Lanhao's arms and said with a hint of sadness: "It's because you favor me that you think so. If anyone else had seen these hideous scars on my body, they would have stayed away long ago." How can you be nice to me!"

Hearing this, He Lanhao kissed her hair distressedly and said, "Don't be sad, I will find a way to cure you completely and make you as soft and smooth as before!"

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