Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1851 Purple Pearl Necklace (2)

After getting off the car, the girls in the car behind also got off the car and followed their masters into the Treasure Pavilion.

At this time, there were not many customers in the Zhenbao Pavilion. There were only a few peasant women who looked like they were going to the market. They crowded in front of the counter selling velvet flowers and talked about how beautiful the velvet flowers were and how the color of the velvet flowers could not fade for a long time. Wait, it looks so deserted.

When Xiangyun saw this, he sighed: "Even the most famous jewelry shop in Beijing is like this, so how can others be so frightened!"

Caiwei said helplessly: "This earth dragon's transformation has greatly damaged the vitality of the people. It's good that everyone can have a full stomach. How can I have spare money to buy these flowers, jewelry, and wear them?"

There was little business in the store. The man at the counter was chatting with the jewelry craftsman when he suddenly noticed Caiwei coming in. He hurriedly walked out of the counter and said hello to Caiwei.

"Boss, our business has been very bad recently. We sold more than 500 taels of goods this month, which is less than one-tenth of what we sold at this time in previous years."

The shopkeeper brought over an account book, which clearly recorded the recent business. He said with a sad face, "It's almost the New Year's holiday. In previous years, this time is the peak season, but this year there is no one. Even if there are people, they will probably come in to take a look." You see, there are very few buyers."

Caiwei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The economy is currently in a slump, and it is inevitable that business will not do well. It's not your fault. Just do your part. Your wages will not be reduced just because business is not good. At the end of the year The benefits will not be any less than last year, but the profit sharing will be gone!"

"Thank you, boss!"

After listening to Caiwei's words, the shopkeeper and the nearby jewelry manager almost cheered with joy. The clerks also smiled happily, as if they were happy.

Originally, because business was not good, everyone was worried that they would be fired or have no benefits at the end of the year. Unexpectedly, the boss was so generous and paid everyone a penny even though they didn't make any money. Although there was no profit share, the wages were quite generous. , plus the benefits distributed to everyone, it is enough for them to have a good New Year!

Speaking of welfare, every year during the New Year, Caiwei would give out a lot of things to the shopkeepers as welfare, such as fish, shrimp, vegetables, etc. There is no sea near the capital, so the fish sold in the capital come from far away. It is transported from a place where gold is very valuable, so not everyone can afford fish, but it is said that there is fish every year. Therefore, fish is an indispensable dish on the New Year’s Eve dinner table in ordinary people’s homes. For most people, fish is an indispensable dish. Families would make one out of flour and put it on it to suit the occasion. For a family with a better financial situation, spending two hundred coins and only having a small fish that is an inch long is already very luxurious.

Caiwei's shopkeepers and guys would take home a big fish that was nearly a foot long when the Chinese New Year was approaching every year. When they walked home with the fish through the streets, they saw everyone's envious eyes. , they all saved a lot of face, and everyone felt that being able to work under the Queen must be due to their virtues and cultivation in their previous lives!

Caiwei took Juhua and Xiangyun up to the second floor amidst everyone's gratitude.

The second floor of Zhenbao Pavilion is a place where high-end jewelry is sold. Generally, women from wealthy officials and wealthy families go to the second floor to select their purchases. They rarely buy on the first floor, because the first floor is targeted at ordinary people. The things all belong to the lower-middle-class families and the ladies from wealthy families disdain to buy things on the first floor.

Once on the second floor, she saw Ning Huaixiu, accompanied by a female waiter, looking at a string of pearl necklaces with her back to them. She held the string of pearl necklaces high and looked at the pearls through the sunlight on the glass window. color and roundness.

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