Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1850 Purple Pearl Necklace (1)

After dinner, Xiangyun suggested going for a stroll on the street. She had not visited the streets of Dajin for several years. I wonder if the shops she liked to go to were still there?

Caiwei readily agreed and ordered people to prepare the car and prepare the hidden guard. This trip was not only for her and Juhua, but also for Xiangyun. Xiangyun was the queen of Qingluo Kingdom, so there was no room for any mistakes, otherwise , it will bring great trouble to the Jin Kingdom!

Although Juhua didn't like visiting shops selling rouge, gouache, and Zhu hairpin jewelry, she still understood the principle of the minority obeying the majority. Caiwei and Xiangyun both wanted to go shopping, so she had no choice but to go with them...

on the street

In a special carriage with an ordinary appearance but as strong as an iron barrel inside, Caiwei, Xiangyun and Juhua sat together, eating various dried fruits that were always available in the carriage, drinking hot scented tea, and watching The street outside.

The streets outside are all newly built. They are much more beautiful and tidy than before. After the earthquake, more than half of the shops in the capital collapsed, and those that survived were also crumbling. In order to prevent future collapses and kill people, Nangong Yi ordered that all the houses and shops in the capital must be demolished and rebuilt, and the state would provide certain compensation. For a house built with ten taels of silver, the state will reimburse fifty taels. The same goes for a shop. For a shop built with one hundred taels of silver, the state will reimburse fifty taels.

All this money was taken out of the national treasury. Originally, people in many places had a bumper harvest this year by winning the seeds produced in the Weed Picking Space, and the national treasury was also unusually full. However, after this disaster, the national treasury was suddenly empty. The gold and silver that Wei had saved in the space were all spent, and they were all used to provide relief to the victims.

Although Caiwei felt distressed, she had no regrets. Being able to use the wealth of space to help people survive the disaster was a good use of it!

However, although the shops on the street are beautifully built, the business of each shop is not good. After such a huge disaster, the people's economy has been hit hard. The restaurants that used to be crowded with guests now barely have the same performance as before. Ordinary diners, jewelry stores, and silver shops are all deserted, and no one cares about them. Although merchants have lowered the prices of goods again and again, the effect is not great. Almost every house has a deserted business and a miserable appearance.

"Hey, this earth dragon's transformation has caused too much damage to the people. I don't know how long it will take to get back to its original state!" Caiwei leaned against the car wall, looking out the window at the deserted streets, and gently said Sighed.

Xiangyun comforted him and said, "It's okay. As long as someone is here, everything will be fine."

"Yes, as long as there are people, there is hope!" Caiwei also laughed.

At this time, Juhua suddenly shouted: "Eh? Look, isn't that Sister Ning?"

She pointed to the front of a store not far ahead, "Caiwei, Sister Ning has entered your Treasure Pavilion."

Upon hearing this, Caiwei leaned against the car window and looked over, and sure enough she saw a graceful figure entering her treasure pavilion.

There was a carriage with the mark of Ning Guo Mansion parked at the door of Zhenbao Pavilion. Several servants and guards were waiting at the door. Two wives and two maids accompanied her in.

Xiangyun said: "Let's go in and take a look. Do you have any new jewelry recently? Is there anything suitable for me?"

Caiwei said, "I've been busy helping the victims recently, and I really haven't paid much attention to the goods in the shop. Since you want to see it, let's go in and take a look. If you like anything, just ask and I'll give it to you!"

As he spoke, he knocked on the wall of the carriage and ordered the coachman to drive the carriage to the door of his shop.

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