Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1855 Purple Pearl Necklace (6)

Before leaving, Caiwei took out ten jars of wine from the space, dug out ten century-old ginseng trees and gave them to them. She also made an appointment for the couple to take their children to Qingluo Country next year to accompany their family. reunion.

From Jin Dynasty to Qingluo Kingdom, it took about three days for the white-haired tiger to get there. Compared to the three months the Xiangyun couple walked on the road, it was already very short. Moreover, the children were getting older, and they had to wait for a while. Wei also wanted to take them out to see the world, so she made an agreement with Xiangyun!

With this agreement, parting does not seem so sad.

Mrs. Wu was extremely sad and could not breathe. She was just a daughter. In the past, she took care of her son and Marquis Jian'an, but did not take good care of her daughter. She loved her daughter and only threw her to She lost her nanny, which made her closer to her than to her. Now she wants to love her properly, but she has no chance...

"Mom, please stop crying. Otherwise, I won't leave and will stay with you!"

Xiangyun felt extremely distressed when she saw her mother crying like that. Wiping away her tears, she raised the curtain and was about to get out of the car. Wanyan Jingchen panicked and grabbed her and said, "You are the queen of Qingluo Kingdom, how can you do this?" Feel free to live outside. Since my mother-in-law doesn’t trust you, why not ask her to live with us in Qingluo Country for a while? It will be the same when we come back when we get homesick!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu immediately turned her eyes to her son. It was said that a woman would obey her father at home, her husband when married, and her son after her husband died. She, a woman, did not dare to make decisions about such a big matter as traveling far away.

When the son saw that his mother did not refuse, but instead turned her attention to him, he knew that she wanted to go. He did not dare to make the decision on such a big matter, so he said: "Since mother is thinking about my sister and two little nephews, it's okay to go and see her." That's right, my son will pick you up in a few months, and he'll also go see your two little nephews. Speaking of which, as an uncle, I haven't seen them yet!"

So, Mrs. Wu simply packed up and happily followed her daughter and son-in-law to Qingluo Kingdom...

After Xiangyun left, Caiwei's life returned to what it used to be. She spent most of her time in the space every day. In addition to practicing breathing and breathing skills, the most important thing was that she could teach the babies a lot in the space for a long time. Useful knowledge and common sense of life.

Because the babies stay in the space for a long time, they are much more sensible than babies of the same age, and they are all very healthy. From birth to now, they have never been sick once.

Caiwei not only taught them to swim in the Lingxi River, taught them to identify various plants, but also taught them simple farming and harvesting.

The earthquake made her understand the importance of food, and she also promptly instilled the importance of food into her children, enabling them to develop good habits of paying attention to people's livelihood from an early age.

The children are very sensible. When Changmei is sowing seeds in the space, they often use their short legs to help dig holes, sow seeds, cultivate soil, etc. Although they don’t do much, Caiwei is happy to let them do this. They do this Not only can it help relieve the burden of long eyebrows, but it can also exercise their physical fitness and allow them to cultivate their moral character. Buddhists and Taoists regard farming as one of the required courses in spiritual practice!

The seeds saved in the space for the people to cultivate next year were all used to satisfy the hunger of the disaster victims. Therefore, Caiwei deliberately reduced the planting area of ​​vegetables and specialized in growing grain, leaving the seeds for the people to cultivate next year.

This year, in many places in the south, fields planted with seeds provided by Caiwei have achieved huge harvests. The grain output is actually two or three times higher than in previous years. I wonder if it will be possible to sow these seeds next year. Seeds taken out directly from the space have high yields? No matter what, she has to give it a try, otherwise, just by planting the seeds in her space, her space won’t have to do anything else!

Today's space, looking around, is full of green. In addition to the rice and wheat she often grows, she also grows rice, sorghum, corn, millet and other crops, specializing in the production of coarse grains. In addition, many hungry sweet potatoes, white potatoes and pumpkins are also planted to be eaten in times of famine.

In the woods, the bison was eating the harvested corn stalks and sorghum stalks that Longmei had cut for it. There was a clean wooden bucket next to it, which contained freshly milked milk. This milk was purely natural and did not contain any chemicals. Plus, Caiwei warms milk for the children and men to drink every day, and she drinks it herself, which is the most nourishing.

After the earthquake, in order to help people rebuild their homes, Caiwei spent all the money she had accumulated in the space over the years. It would be difficult to gather such a large sum of money in a short period of time. If there were any natural disasters or man-made disasters, She can't keep the people safe either.

Therefore, the most important thing right now is to earn a large amount of money as soon as possible and store it in space for emergencies.

However, the economy in the capital is so sluggish, and the surrounding cities are also in recession. It is simply impossible to make a lot of money!

Caiwei thought about it and came up with a good idea to make a fortune quickly, which was to expand her business abroad.

The queens of these countries, such as Qingluo, Xianbei and Liaodan, are all hers. It is expected that she will not be bullied when doing business in those countries. As for the Miao territory in the south, she can send people there first. Explore the way, if the business is easy to do, then do it, if not, the business in the other three countries will be enough for her to earn!

In the evening, when Nangong Yi went to court, Caiwei mentioned the matter to him.

After hearing this, Nangong Yi touched her head distressedly and said, "Weier, you have helped me a lot. I really can't bear to let you worry about all the people in the world anymore. I will marry you." I originally wanted to give you happiness, but I didn't expect it, but it dragged you down everywhere. First, the beggars, old, young, sick and disabled all over the country relied on you to support me, allowing me to sit in the world and sit back and relax; We spent all our savings and reserves of food to resettle the homeless victims. Without your money and food, the post-disaster reconstruction work would not have been completed so smoothly, and the world would not have been so stable. People with evil intentions would have taken the opportunity to cause chaos. Something has happened. My world is so balanced thanks to you, a good wife, who is helping me take care of it. I am already very satisfied. I really don’t need you to worry about the people anymore!"

Caiwei said: "We are husband and wife. Don't say anything about whether we can help or not. You are the father of the country and have responsibility for the people of Jin Dynasty. And I am the mother of the country. Like you, I should be responsible for the people of Jin Dynasty. The people of Jin Dynasty." It is the child of the two of us, and we should be responsible for it! Besides, I am the descendant of Fuyou Island, and it is my unshirkable duty to save the people of the world from suffering. Therefore, you don’t have to bear any burden. Just help me think of a solution. , just find the right person to do business with!"

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