The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month was the 40th birthday of Bai, the second wife of Duke Li's family. On this day, Juhua made an exception and did not stay in bed. She got up early and went to the front to have breakfast with her parents.

When Mrs. Cui saw her daughter getting up so early, she couldn't help but smile and said, "Is the sun coming out in the west today? You girl are actually working hard now?"

Juhua coughed and said, "I made an appointment with Sister Ning to buy rouge today, so I got up early to avoid Sister Ning waiting for me."

Mrs. Cui did not doubt that he was there, and told her, "Wear more clothes when you go out later, and don't forget to bring a hand stove. People say that Laba is the seventh and seventh lunar month, and your chin will fall off from the cold. Although the capital is warmer than in the north, after all, the solar term is here, so you can't be careless." of."

As he spoke, he told Xiaokui to pick out the thickest big sweater for the young lady, add the charcoal in the stove, and put the charcoal basin in the carriage first, so that he could get on the bus soon. cold……

Juhua stopped her in a hurry and said, "Mom, sister Ning will come to pick me up later. I can just take her car there. There is no need for the charcoal basin."

After hearing this, Mrs. Cui babbled again: "You should be more careful when you go outside. I am the prime minister's daughter. How could I make friends with you, the daughter of a petty official, for no reason? Most likely because of our relationship with the Queen, I thought I'm using your power to curry favor with the Queen, but you have to be careful not to be taken advantage of..."

She kept talking about the whole meal, but she didn't stop until Juhua was full and was about to go back to dress up!

Juhua returned to her room and asked Xiaokui to help her dress up. She secretly hid the gift for Bai in her arms. After seeing that the time was almost up, she took Xiaokui out and walked out the door. went.

When she arrived outside the door, Ning Huaixiu was already waiting there. When she saw the chrysanthemum, Ning Huaixiu was elated. If she wanted to achieve her goal today, the chrysanthemum was an indispensable chess piece. She understood Queen Mu's temperament, and that person She may seem ruthless, but she is actually the most soft-hearted, so as long as the chrysanthemum is in her hands, there is no fear that she will die obediently!

After Juhua got in the car, she greeted Ning Huaixiu with a smile, took out a brocade box from her arms, handed it to Ning Huaixiu, and said, "Sister Ning, take a look at it for me, I'll prepare it for Mrs. Bai." Is the gift a little shabby? If it is, let's not go to Duke Li's Mansion yet. You accompany me to the Treasure Pavilion to choose another one."

Ning Huaixiu opened the brocade box and saw a coral bracelet inside. It was bright red and very beautiful. Even though she had been born in a wealthy country since childhood, when she saw this thing, she thought it was a rare good thing!

"No need to buy any more, this one is great. Even though Duke Li Guo's mansion is as rich as any other country, he won't be able to take it lightly after seeing this!"

Ning Huaixiu said that, but she said in her heart, even if you take a dirty thing, I will never let you waste time to buy other things, because she has planned the time. , no mistakes are allowed, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted. It will be difficult to find a perfect opportunity to kill the queen in the future...

"I can rest assured that!"

When Juhua heard Ning Huaixiu say that her gift was good, she patted her chest and felt relieved.

The carriage gurgled and soon arrived at Duke Li's Mansion. At this moment, the middle door of Duke Li's Mansion had been opened to welcome the guests.

The carriage of Ning Mansion passed by the gate of Duke Li Guo's Mansion. Juhua looked up through the glass window of the carriage and saw the rather grand gate of Duke Li Guo's Mansion. There were red lanterns on both sides of the gate, and golden Red silk was also hung on the plaque, making it look festive.

Two rows of concierge boys, all wearing brand-new blue cotton clothes, black trousers, and Tibetan blue sweat scarves tied around their waists, stood respectfully on both sides with their heads bowed.

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