However, because Ning Huaixiu is a female family member, it is inconvenient to enter and exit at the gate, so a boy led the Ning family's coachman and led the Ning family's carriage into the side door specially designed to receive female family members. As early as when the Ning family drove into Fuqian Street, there were people The letter was reported inside, so when Ning Huaixiu got off the car with Juhua, Mu Caifei, the young lady of the eldest family who was of the same generation as them, came out and specially came to receive them.

Mayfair was dressed very grandly today. She was wearing a pink peony cotton-padded jacket with silver embroidery and wide sleeves. The collar and placket were trimmed with firefox fur. Below her head was a plain white moon skirt trimmed with peach red trim, tied around the waist. Wearing a girdle of pomegranate red embroidered with purple and blue peony branches, a jasper ring and skirt under the waistband, a flowing cloud bun on her head, and a ruby ​​silk butterfly golden step wave inserted on both necks. Red gold silk tassels hang down from the side, and two thumb-sized drop-shaped rubies hang.

She didn't wear any earrings, but the two strings of tassel rubies fell right between her neck, swinging in the wind, teasing her fair and graceful neck, which really added to her charm. It looks like she has the purity and agility of a young girl and the charm of a young woman. Even a person like Ning Huaixiu, who has read countless people, is stunned!

She secretly thought to herself that this vixen was born from the same parent as her sister. After she took care of her sister, she would have to take care of her as well, otherwise, if the emperor wanted to use this little vixen to commemorate him in the future. Old person, wouldn't she have to be vomited to death?

Having made up her mind, she swept away the anger in her heart, stepped forward with a smile and said: "Hello, Madam General, we are here to wish the Second Madam on her birthday. Isn't it a little early to come now?"

"It's not early, you two came just in time!"

When Fei'er saw Ju Hua, she was startled for a moment, as if she didn't expect that she would come. However, Fei'er is a very well-educated person. Now that they have arrived, she immediately adjusted her emotions and met them enthusiastically. Li, let them in.

The eldest young lady of the first house, Yang, was killed in the earthquake five months ago. Several young ladies in the family were observing filial piety for their mother and could not come out to attend the banquet. Mo Zili, the second wife, did not have a wife. , so the young ladies and young wives who came were all received by Fei'er alone.

The old lady of Duke Li Guo's Mansion valued this second daughter-in-law very much, because the second master had been weak since childhood and had never been an official in his life. The second wife, Bai, as the direct daughter of Duke Wu Qing's Mansion, had married such a sick man in her life. I didn't even get a job, so I spent my whole life in white clothes. Every festival, when the old lady takes her eldest daughter-in-law and her eldest grandson's daughter-in-law to the palace to greet her, she always feels that her son is dragging her down. Therefore, for Bai's 40th birthday, the old lady deliberately makes the lavish ceremony even grander. Almost all of them were given posts to the female relatives of noble families in the capital, just to make it fun and lively to compensate the second daughter-in-law.

Juhua met Fei'er officially for the first time. Seeing a face that looked so similar to Caiwei's, she glanced at Fei'er a few more times. The more she looked at Fei'er, the more beautiful she felt. Although she was not as dignified and dignified as Caiwei, she was There is also a gentle and charming charm, which makes people feel comfortable just looking at it!

"Thank you both for coming. Please come in quickly. The ladies from Uncle Wu Qing's Mansion and the ladies from General Zhongyi's Mansion have already arrived and are resting in the Zizhu Courtyard. Come with me, I will take you to see them!"

Wu Qingbo's Mansion is the natal family of the second wife, the Bai family. Today, the whole family has come to celebrate the second lady's birthday. The Zhongyi General's Mansion is the natal family of the old lady Liu, and the current Zhongyi General is the old lady's nephew Liu Tang. Liu Tang has many wives and concubines. , has three legitimate daughters, four concubines, and seven daughters. Among them, two legitimate concubines and one concubine have already been married, and the remaining three legitimate concubines are still waiting to be married. Today, they were all brought to the birthday banquet of the second wife.

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