However, things were so coincidental that Nangong Yi had to doubt her, but she was very reasonable and could not find any flaws, leaving Nangong Yi helpless.

"Go down now, and I'll ask you again when I figure it out!" Nangong Yi waved his hand, looking in the direction of the rockery, and no longer looked at Ning Huaixiu.

"Yes, I am resigning!"

Ning Huaixiu stood up carefully, took a few steps back respectfully, suddenly stopped, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the weather is bitterly cold, so I'd better ask someone to bring you a warm sedan, and sit in the warm sedan to wait." Well, if the Queen knew that you were working so hard, she would definitely feel sorry for you!"

Nangong Yi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect her to be like this, but he quickly reacted. Junyan's face was immediately covered with dark clouds, and he said coldly: "It's not your turn to comment on my matter, so get out of here!" "

Ning Huaixiu was scolded in public, and her face suddenly disappeared. She blushed and lowered her head, bit her lip, felt aggrieved, and said weakly: "Yes!" She turned around and staggered away.

At this moment, her heart was in great pain.

In his previous life, this man had a very cold heart. Although he treated his concubines very well, she could see that he actually had no intentions for anyone. The concubines would die when they died. The most he could do was offer a stick of incense. Then it was completely forgotten.

But in this life, he was so affectionate towards the queen. On this cold day, he just stood under the rockery, staring at the people moving the mountain without blinking. His face was blue with cold but he still refused to leave. If he could treat her like this, even if he told her to die, she would die without complaint...

At this moment, Caiwei was in a hurry in the space. If she wanted to get out, she had to appear in the same place when she entered the space, and that place was currently buried under a pile of rocks and soil. She couldn't get out of the space. I couldn't get out, I couldn't even see outside, I could only see the pile of dark stones and soil.

I wonder if anyone noticed her disappearance. If no one noticed that she disappeared under the rockery, wouldn't she have to stay in space for the rest of her life? No, not for a lifetime. If she comes to Yuexin, she will be thrown out of space, and then she will be sent back to the place where she entered the space, and will be directly crushed to death by soil and stones...

Fortunately, her menstrual period has just passed, and Chrysanthemum's menstrual period has also been advanced by the medicine she gave to prevent fertility. Neither of them will have menstrual period for the time being, and neither of them will be thrown out of space and crushed to death!

The wound on the chrysanthemum head has been bandaged, and the old turtle gave him a generous amount of sweat medicine. He couldn't wake up for a while. I wonder how anxious Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen are outside at the moment. And Her parents, family, and her man discovered that she was missing. I wonder if they will find out that she was crushed under the rockery. If so, I don’t know how anxious they will be now...

The weather is getting colder, but the back garden of Duke Li Guo's Mansion is still being dug in full swing. The longer the time goes by, the uglier the emperor's face becomes. He stands in the moonlight with his hands behind his back, his handsome face so gloomy. As if a storm was about to fall, the guards and boys who were moving mountains nearby were frightened as they swung their arms and worked desperately, fearing that if they were not careful, the emperor would use them as a punching bag and chop off their heads...

"Oh, it's been dug out. Hurry, go and report to Your Majesty..."

"Eh? Looking at the clothes, he looks like a man. He shouldn't be the Queen..."

"Who knows, this person has been smashed into meat patties, and you can't tell the difference at all..."

In a corner of the rockery, a group of boys sent from an unknown mansion dug out a corpse that had been mixed with soil and rocks, and they suddenly screamed in confusion.

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