With sharp ears, Nangong Yi immediately jumped into the air after hearing the sound, flying like a kite in the air towards the shouting boys. When he flew to the place where the corpse was exhumed, he saw a body turned into flesh under the burning torch. The clothes on Bianbing's corpse had been stained with blood and soil and could not be distinguished from the color. It could only be seen from the style that it was a robe worn by a man and should not be his wife.

"Dig, keep digging, dig carefully around here!"

Nangong Yi's heart tightened. This male corpse was obviously the drunkard Ning Huaixiu talked about. Since he is here, his wife should not be far away. If his wife is not found nearby, then his wife will be. He should be hiding in space!

Probably because they were slow in their movements, Nangong Yi pushed away a boy who was digging in the soil with his butt stuck out, took the shovel from his hand, and started digging eagerly...

At the west corner gate of the back garden, a wheelchair parked quietly at the Moon Gate. The man in the wheelchair was pale and haggard. He looked at the torches and the bustling crowd and said softly: "I'm sorry, Chrysanthemum!"

If it hadn't been for him, their family would not have been transferred to the capital. She must be fine now and living happily in the north. But now, because of his selfish desires, she has become a ghost under the boulder, and He, however, no longer has the ability to save her...

"Sir, you have been here for several hours. Take care of yourself. Let's go back. It's so cold today. If you get sick again, the old lady and my wife will be worried!"

Huan Yun pulled up the Mohu blanket covering his legs and persuaded him softly, almost to the point of crying.

The young master has been in poor health recently. He coughed up blood yesterday. Judge Yao had already ordered him to take good care of himself. But today he heard that the Queen and her friends were smashed to death here, and he actually forced her to push him. Come here, I've been keeping watch for half the night, now, I'm afraid I'm going to get sick again tomorrow!

Mo Zili didn't even look at her, and said coldly: "If you are afraid of the old lady and my wife's punishment, you don't have to be my personal maid. I will answer the old lady's words tomorrow and send you somewhere else." Become an errand!"

"No, no, Master, don't drive Huanyun away. Huanyun dare not talk anymore. Huanyun is wrong, please forgive me!" Huanyun turned pale with fright when he heard that Mo Zili was going to drive her away. , "Plop" and knelt down in front of Mo Zili, crying and begging.

Mo Zili said calmly: "Huanyun, the reason why I keep you by my side is to see that you are sensible and obedient. If you lose even the few advantages here, it will be useless for me to keep you!"

"Yes, I don't dare to talk anymore!" Huanyun choked and answered cautiously.

The man said: "Get up, let's forget it this time. If you don't know your identity next time and talk about my affairs casually, even if you break your head, I will never keep you again."

"Yes, I will remember the young master's teachings and never dare to talk nonsense again!"

Huan Yun stood up wiping her tears and stood quietly to the north of Mo Zili, really not saying a word again.

It was the weather in the twelfth lunar month of winter. A cold north wind was blowing in the sky, and Huanyun was standing at the wind outlet. She could not persuade Mo Zili to go back, so she had to use her meager strength to protect him and block the wind outlet. Blocking him a little bit from the wind, although it won't do much, is better than letting him be blown by the north wind.

Mo Zili sat there and felt the wind weakening. He turned his head slightly and saw Huanyun standing at the wind outlet with his head lowered. His thin body was shivering in the north wind, like a leaf in the wind. Generally, he looks so thin and pitiful.

His heart suddenly moved, and then he sighed and said quietly: "Let's go!"

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

Huanyun raised his head in surprise. Under the moonlight, the cheek that looked like someone's was already blue and blue from the cold.

Mo Zili glanced at that face, couldn't help but turn the wheelchair, and said coolly: "You should have said it earlier. If you didn't say you couldn't stand the cold, how would I know you were cold?"

"Yes, yes, I have remembered it!"

Huan Yun opened the corners of his mouth, revealing a row of neat, white teeth. Although the young master is blaming her, he is also caring about her. The young master has the most indifferent temperament. It is great that he can care about her...

She curved her lips, chased after him happily, and pushed him back to Qiu Shuangzhai...

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