Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1894 Caiwei shows off her power (3)

However, he underestimated the children's energy. Although the little guys were busy eating, they also noticed the ambiguity between their parents. The father's actions aroused the interest of several buns, and they all raised their eyebrows. The little condiments, imitating their father, rushed to kiss Caiwei.

Caiwei's face was full of spices from their kisses, which made the man burst into laughter. Caiwei gave the man a look and said in a conspiratorial manner: "Children, don't take care of your mother. Your father also has a hard time helping you with kebabs." , go and kiss your father!"

As a result, Nangong Yi's handsome face was also covered with sesame seeds, cumin, etc...

While the family was joking, Yingge and Changmei opened their arms and ate a big meal. It was like the wind swept away the remaining clouds. In the blink of an eye, they ate the meat skewers and vegetables grilled by Nangong Yi. The old turtle I didn’t wolf it down like they did, but I ate a lot.

Fortunately, Caiwei and Nangong Yi had prepared a lot, and the children all loved eating potato slices, sweet potato slices, etc., so even if Longmei and Parrot wolfed down the food, the food was enough for everyone.

Because the children loved to eat, the meal took a long time. After eating, Caiwei tidied up the scene and washed the dishes, while Nangong Yi took the children for a walk in the space, digested food, and Changmei and Parrot ate. After drinking enough, they all went back to the tree to sleep...

After Caiwei finished cleaning up, Nangong Yi came back with the children. It was already their nap time, and the family returned to the bedroom.

Because the scent of the benzoin that Cai Wei and Nangong Yi had burned when they went to bed had not dissipated, the children lay down and inhaled the scent of benzoin, and soon fell asleep.

Caiwei stood up in a hurry, shook Nangong Yi's arm and said, "Quick, while they are asleep, let's go for a walk on the street to see if there is anything interesting or interesting."

Nangong Yi said, "What's the rush? I just got a charcoal ash all over me when I grilled skewers. I'll take a shower first and then go out after I'm clean."

Caiwei was sitting next to Nangong Yi just now, so she was naturally slapped all over. She looked at her clothes and said, "I'll go too."

Nangong Yi wished for it, so the two of them went to the hot spring together. As soon as they soaked in, Nangong Yi volunteered to help Caiwei bathe, but as he was wiping, his hands became restless. Caiwei slapped his hairy hands away, disgusted He said: "I just peeled the skin and plucked the hair again, please don't touch me."

Nangong Yi was disliked, but he was not angry either. He hugged the delicate and graceful body and said hoarsely: "My husband, don't use your hands, just use your mouth. After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her..."

The purpose of luring Caiwei to take a bath this time was not pure. Caiwei took the bait. How could the man let it go easily? He pestered Caiwei and asked for it once in the water. Caiwei was so tired that her waist almost broke. She was finally satisfied. When he came out to get dressed, he saw Caiwei's appearance when she was getting dressed. Somehow, his bestiality came out again, and he pressed and did it again without any explanation. Caiwei was so tired that she couldn't get up at all, and actually fell asleep.

This sleep lasted for several more hours. When they woke up, the children were already awake. Looking outside, it was already evening.

Nangong Yi knew that he was in the wrong, so he comforted her and said, "Madam, you are tired, have a good rest, and go cook for your husband. After you finish eating, your husband will take you out for a walk until you are satisfied..."

The so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, men were so flattering to please, Caiwei had no choice but to give up, rolled her eyes at him and turned away without getting angry.

In order to make up for it, Nangong Yi specially cooked several Caiwei's favorite dishes. During the meal, he also diligently served Caiwei with vegetables and grilled crab meat. Even his precious daughter was temporarily put aside.

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