Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1895 Caiwei shows off her power (4)

After dinner, the man volunteered to clean up the dishes, wash the dishes, and tidy up. Caiwei didn't help him. Instead, she took the buns to the room to get dressed, preparing to take them shopping later.

After a while, everything was tidied up, and the family came out of the space and appeared in a remote alley on Sitong Street, the most prosperous street in Ping'an Prefecture. After leaving the alley, there was a lively world immediately outside.

Because it is coming to the Lantern Festival soon and it is time for dinner. People are going out for a walk. Therefore, the streets are extremely lively. Among them, the Sitong Street and Qingqueqiao areas are the most lively. In the middle of Sitong Street is The lamp sheds set up in various wealthy mansions in Ping'an Prefecture were not dark yet and the lights were not on, so naturally there was nothing to see. Nangong Yi hugged Mingzhu, while Caiwei led Jin'er with one hand and Wen'er with the other. Behind Nangong Yi, he followed the crowd towards Qingque Bridge.

Under the Qingque Bridge, there are various grocery stalls, snack stalls and juggling stalls. It is a crowded time at this time, and guests are pouring in front of all the grocery stalls and lantern stalls, and there are even piles of people in front of the juggling stalls. They were all surrounded by people having fun, with shouts of surprise and cheers coming and going.

It was really a huge crowd of people, shoulder to shoulder.

The buns were obviously in high spirits. They followed their parents to visit several grocery stalls. The tall father was holding the pearl, so it was obvious what they were looking at. But Jin'er and Yu'er were different. The two little ones were only three years old. Although he is the oldest among the children of his age, it is still difficult to see the fun things on those stalls. Some of the stalls that were set up low were okay, but the stalls that were set up high were not as high as other stalls and the two little guys couldn't be seen at all.

Caiwei felt sorry for her sons, who were worried about their feet and looking up at things, so she rented a horse, put Jin'er and Yu'er on the horse, and asked the groom to hold them while she followed. , go to the sideshow stall to watch the excitement.

Today, jugglers don't have to beat gongs and drums to attract the audience. As long as they set up the stage and don't start performing, they can have crowds of people on three levels outside.

Sword-playing, handstands, standing on poles, swallowing knives, spitting fire... there are all kinds of acrobatics, and the crowds are busy.

Nangong Yi and his family arrived late, and the good seats were gone long ago. Standing outside the crowd, Nangong Yi was tall and straight. There were few people who could compare with him. Even standing behind several layers of people, his field of view was not affected. He also held the pearl high, so that he could see all the activities in the juggling stall at a glance. But Caiwei was different. Although she was tall among women, the problem was that there were many people who watched a variety of operas. Young man, the men stood in front of her, blocking the front tightly. They could only barely see a little by looking at their toes. After just two glances, they were very tired. Fortunately, Jin'er and Yu'er were arranged to sit by her. On the high horseback, everyone could see everything clearly, but she was the only one who couldn't see it clearly.

Nangong Yi noticed this, turned around and put the pearl on the horse, and said to Caiwei: "Come, sit on my shoulder and watch."

As he said that, he came to hug Caiwei. She was so frightened that Caiwei quickly took a step back and shouted in a low voice: "You are crazy. On the street, in full view of the public, if you act like this, the government will not regard it as immoral." It would be weird to go."

Nangong Yi sneered coldly: "Who dares?"

Caiwei said: "Even if no one dares, I wouldn't dare to do such a thing!"

The man laughed and said, "Didn't you say that women in that world can hug and kiss strangers on the cheek in front of everyone? Why are you even afraid of this now?"

"That's different. Hugging and kissing cheeks are etiquette in some countries over there. Even if you do it, you won't be criticized. But it's different here. If those things are done here, you will definitely be criticized by the guardians of your world. The Taoist priest drowned himself in his saliva, so I appreciate your kindness and just sit on your shoulder and watch the sideshow!"

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