Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1896 Caiwei shows off her power (5)

"What a coward, you still claim to be from the open world!"

The man laughed at her and saw that Caiwei really didn't want him to hug her, so he had to forget it.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Our wife wants to go in, so get out of the way quickly!"

Nangong Yi and Caiwei were talking and laughing when suddenly there were several arrogant and domineering sounds of driving away the crowd. Caiwei looked over and saw four or five people dressed as guards, shouting and shouting at the people watching the excitement. Pulling it apart is extremely rude and arrogant.

Hearing this arrogant tone, Nangong Yi also turned around to look, only to see two maids and several women at the back of the nursing home, surrounded by a man wearing a pomegranate red brocade embroidered with peony flowers, and a chinchilla lining with water red woven gold. A young woman in a splendid cloak and beaded hair came slowly over. The young woman looked to be about 20 years old. She had the appearance of a demon Qiao Qiao. When she walked, her buttocks were twisted like twists. She didn't look like that. A good woman.

Someone recognized her and whispered: "Look, isn't that the popular kiln sister Yi Zhihua? When did she become a lady?"

Another voice said, "Don't you know? She was redeemed by Zhang Dahu two months ago. I heard that she is favored. Even the official wife has to give her three points. Otherwise, she is just a slave girl. How dare you call yourself Madam."

"Hey, Zhang Dahu is over sixty years old. It's really rare that he still has such thoughts."

"No, I heard that since Zhang Dahu got her, he has been studying in her room every day. She is the favorite of the special room..."

When the people heard this discussion, they gave in one after another. Zhang Dahu was the richest owner in Ping'an Prefecture and a notoriously domineering person. If he accidentally offended his favored aunt, he would probably lose everything. Behind bars.

When the woman saw that everyone was avoiding her, she suddenly felt proud and walked over with a twist of her waist. Caiwei only glanced at her and turned back. Her mood was ruined and she was about to take Nangong Yi to another place to look. Unexpectedly, when the aunt approached Nangong Yi, she immediately couldn't move her feet.

I saw her handsome eyes looking forward, her cheeks red, and her face looking shy.

Nangong Yi has a handsome appearance and noble temperament. He is standing lazily next to the horse at the moment. He is wearing a dark purple round-neck brocade robe. The style is very simple, but the sleeves and collar are embroidered with exquisite gold threads. With a green pine pattern, a black belt tied around the waist, piping with gold thread, and a shiny Dadong bead in the middle, it exudes luxury in a low-key manner. At first glance, it means that he has been in a high position for a long time and has an extremely noble status.

As the saying goes: Madams love money, sisters love beauty. That woman was originally a frivolous and dissolute brothel girl. When she saw Nangong Yi, who was as handsome as a celestial being, she was simply a thousand times better than her old and ugly husband. Ten thousand times more, I was immediately moved, and I saw a horse next to Nangong Yi, with three jade-carved boy-like children sitting on it. On the other side of the horse was a beautiful young woman wearing a cloak and a Guanyin bag. As soon as we saw it, the whole family went out for shopping.

Even though she saw that the man had a wife and children, the woman still couldn't restrain her lust. She raised her face and smiled at the three jade-like children on the horse: "Hey, what beautiful children, if this lady will be the best in the future." If you can give birth to such a beautiful child, you will die without any regrets."

Although he was praising the child, his charming eyes were looking at Nangong Yi, and his breasts were so high that he wished he could stick to Nangong Yi's body.

The maid next to her was her confidant. She probably understood her master's thoughts and said with a smile: "It's only because she has such a handsome son that she can give birth to such a beautiful child. If our master could be as handsome as this young master, With Madam's enchanting beauty, I would have thought that she could have given birth to such a beautiful child, but it's a pity that Madam's enchanting beauty... Tsk tsk..."

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