Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1902 Ning Huaixiu is dead (5)

No need to ask, it must be Zhang Dahu's concubine who went home to complain, and Zhang Dahu sent people to avenge his concubine.

Caiwei sneered and lit a row of candles in her heart for these poor bitches.

The children were having fun at the moment, and she didn't want to spoil the children's fun by killing them, and there were so many people, so if they started to attack, innocent people would be hurt.

"Changmei, Yingge, clean up those bastards for me!" Caiwei called out Changmei and Yingge calmly, handed over the helpless servants to them, and turned around to continue watching the lion dance. !

Nangong Yi also noticed those people. He lowered his head and said softly to Caiwei: "Madam, take the children in and take care of them for your husband."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a scream: "Ouch? Who the hell pinched my balls?"

"Ah----someone pinched me too..."

"Help, where did this crazy bird come from..."

Screams rang out one after another, but the people turned a deaf ear because the gongs and drums of the dragon and lion dances were so loud that they drowned out their voices. Because Caiwei and Nangong Yi were practitioners of internal strength and nourished by spiritual energy, their ears were Others are much more sensitive, and the children have grown up in space since childhood, and their ears are better than ordinary people. In order not to affect the children, Cai Wei and Nangong Yi deliberately stayed away from the scene and carried the children to the front to continue watching the dragon dance. Lion dance...

This night was so exciting for the children. They were still highly excited until they returned to the space. Caiwei and Nangong Yi spent a lot of effort to coax them to sleep...

Ningfu, the capital of the Jin Dynasty

Ning Huaixiu fell ill. She had not had any water or rice for several days and was dying. She was about to die...

Mrs. Ning stayed by her daughter's bedside, sobbing uncontrollably. Her master just died last month, and her daughter is dying this month. What trouble has happened in the family?

Ninghuai Xiuren is ill. Although she is seriously ill, her heart is not confused. These days, she has been thinking about the last time she entered the palace. She thinks about it again and again, but in her memory, he and his queen are the only ones sitting on the kang. In the scene where she was talking leisurely, the only sound was the flapping of the wings of birds above her head when she was paying homage, and the powder that stung her nose was sprinkled on her head.

Wait a minute, powder!

Why is there powder? What is the powder? Why did she know nothing when the powder was sprinkled on her head? What happened when she didn't know anything? Why didn't he and his queen summon her again? No one mentioned her coma that day, as if nothing happened!

She couldn't figure out why this happened, but she felt faintly uneasy. The Shen family's daughter was not dead. She must have told the queen that she had stunned her. The queen was so smart that she led her into the cave. It was impossible for her not to suspect something, but she did nothing. She only summoned her once, but nothing happened again.

Why didn't she interrogate her? Why so quiet? It was so quiet that she felt guilty and frightened.

While she was living in a state of panic, her father suddenly fell seriously ill. It took less than ten days from the onset of illness to the time of death. Even the imperial doctor could not find out the cause of death, only saying that he had a strange disease.

But she knew that her father definitely did not die of a strange disease. He was a scholar and always paid attention to health and was always in good health. There was no ancestor in the family who had a strange disease, and it was impossible for his father to have a strange disease. The so-called strange disease was nothing but a strange disease. It's just a way to deceive others.

Who killed his father? Even the judge of Tai Hospital helped him whitewash the situation. The answer is self-evident!

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