Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1903 Ning Huaixiu is dead (6)

Ning Huaixiu was very scared. They finally took action, and they took action gently. Although gentle, the force was not light at all.Her father is dead, will it be her turn next? Has he already had murderous intentions towards her?

It was not easy for her to be reborn, but the facts showed that there were some things that she couldn't help but think about. Because of the panic, she couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep at night. She was like a frightened bird all day long. She fell ill after a few days. At first, she thought she was suffering from a heart disease, but after a few days she realized something was wrong.

She had hallucinations and often saw all kinds of bizarre fantasies. For example, she would suddenly see a white monkey with long eyebrows appearing on the rafters. The monkey smiled sinisterly at her, and its expression was exactly the same as that of a human. It may be very cruel; for another example, when she is sleeping, she will hear a man's miserable and resentful voice in her ears: "Miss Ning...Miss have made me miserable... ...You give me my life back..."

That voice seemed to belong to Mr. Bai, because she used him to lure the queen into taking the bait, causing him to die tragically under the rockery, so he must have come to claim his life. She was so frightened that when she opened her eyes and yelled, there was nothing. But she could no longer sleep, so she could only hold the quilt and sit there shivering until dawn...

This happened more than once, which made her feel extremely frightened. Finally one day, she collapsed completely, yelled and rushed out of the house. Although she didn't run far, she was dragged back by the maids and women, but there was no room in the greenhouse. The raised daughter could not withstand the wind and cold of the first month. She fell ill, and her condition became more and more serious. She was often in a coma all day long. When she was awake, she often thought about what had happened since her rebirth.

She thought that her reborn identity would allow her to prosper in this familiar world, but she didn't expect that she would end up like this in the end.

She regretted it, but it was too late. She drank the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor. Although she knew that he and her queen were likely to tamper with her medicine bowl, she knew his temper better. He wanted her to die. She If she resisted, it would be a thousand times more tragic than being poisoned to death. She had already seen this in her previous life.

Therefore, she did not dare to disobey and was unable to resist. If there was an afterlife, she would only wish that she could be born in an ordinary family and not see him again...

"Huaixiu, Huaixiu, your father is dead, and you are leaving your mother. How can your mother live?"

Mrs. Ning was sitting in front of her daughter's bed, her heart was breaking. Less than a month after her master's death, the imperial doctor sentenced her daughter to death. She had lost two of her closest relatives in a row, and she didn't want to live anymore.

When Ning Huaixiu was dying, she heard her mother's cries, and her heart ached like oil. If she hadn't been too ambitious, her father would still be alive and well in the world, sitting as the admired prime minister. In terms of position, Ning Mansion will still be as prominent as before, and my mother will still be as beautiful as before.

However, because of her selfishness, her father died, the family failed, and her wish ultimately came to nothing...

"Mother...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

She reluctantly opened her eyes, used all her strength to say the last four words of her life, then closed her eyes and went...


Ning Huaixiu died, and the news spread throughout the capital the next day. When Cui heard the news, she said with regret, "Okay, this bad woman finally got the retribution she deserved."

Master Shen stroked his beard and said: "Thanks to the Queen, otherwise our chrysanthemum would have been destroyed in the hands of that poisonous woman. Once a woman loses her virginity, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in this world. Although our son-in-law is a married woman, we dare not No matter how much he dislikes our daughter, he will feel resentment in his heart. Once we all leave this world in the future, we will not be able to protect him from the consequences."

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