Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1907 Reaching Qingluo Kingdom (2nd update (3))

"Fushun, go find a eloquent woman and follow the lady in front to see what happened to her? Why is she unhappy?" Liu Xi called his personal servant and gave instructions.

The boy agreed and left with a puff of smoke.

"Oh, isn't this Eunuch Liu? It's such a pleasure to meet you."

A sudden voice sounded, and when Liu Xi turned around, he saw a man in his forties, wearing a Hunan brocade-trimmed cotton robe with a rabbit skin cloak on the outside, bowing his hands in greeting.

"Mr. Huo, nice to meet you!" Liu Xi recovered his thoughts and bowed his hand to Huo Qi who was talking to him.

Huo Qinai is a merchant in Beijing. He was the second uncle of Huo Yuan, the richest man in the Jin Dynasty. After Huo Yuan left the Jin Dynasty, he took away part of his family's property. The remaining property was divided among the clan members, and Huo Qi also got it. Although the portion is quite large, the Huo family is still a large family in the capital, but compared with the former Huo family, there is no comparison.

"Eunuch Liu, I happen to have something to discuss with Eunuch Liu. Fortunately, I saw you today. I asked why I had such a good dream yesterday. It turned out that it was my father-in-law. I wonder if your father-in-law is willing to reward me. , give me some time to explain this matter next time?"

Huo Qi's attitude was very polite. Without Huo Yuan and Concubine Huo Xian, the Huo family had no status in the capital. It was just an insignificant merchant. Even its status as an imperial merchant had been taken away. Therefore, Huo Qi no longer dared to show off like before, especially when he saw powerful people, he almost lowered himself to the dust.

Liu Xi happened to have nothing to do now, so he said casually: "It's okay, Mr. Huo invites you in!"

The two of them greeted each other politely and went to the men's area of ​​the cafeteria.

It turned out that Huo Qi heard that Liu Xi was going to sell out his bicycle factory and cafeteria, so he had his mind set on taking over these two profitable businesses, but he suffered from the fact that he didn't have that much capital, so he came with a smile on his face. Discuss with Liu Xi.

He planned to pay part of the deposit to Liu Xi first, and then slowly repay the remaining part when he made money in the future. In today's terms, it was an installment payment.

Liu Xi did not approve of this method of transaction, because he planned to leave the capital and never come back again. If Huo Qi could not pay the full price, he would have to return to the capital at least once or twice, and Huo Qi's business ability He is not very strong either. He is too profit-oriented and cannot support big business.

Therefore, after weighing it, he politely rejected Huo Qi's request and sent him out politely.

Huo Qi was rejected, his plan to get rich was ruined, and he was very angry. He returned home angrily, and happened to meet Huo Qingyin, the daughter of Huimen'er. Huo Qingyin saw her father's unlucky look and couldn't help asking. A few words.

Huo Qi said angrily: "It's not the dead eunuch named Liu. I heard that he was going to sell several shops in his hands. Dad wanted to buy them, but he didn't have enough money on hand. He wanted to pay part of it in advance and pay the rest after he made a profit." He, who knows, that damn eunuch actually rejected me without even leaving any face for me, which really makes me angry!"

Huo Qingyin is eighteen years old this year. She married the prince of Fuguo and became a concubine. Because Prince Jing's wife was unable to have children, but she gave birth to two fat and white sons in succession. Therefore, the mother is more valuable than the son. The Duke of Fu was so proud that even the Crown Prince's wife had to avoid her. Although she was not the Crown Prince's wife, her life was no worse than that of the Crown Prince's wife.

Hearing her father's nagging, Huo Qingyin said with emotion: "Liu Xi, because he is the empress's confidant, has always been looked down upon by no one. Let alone a small businessman like him. He doesn't even look down on our prince, and dad also knows that our prince has suffered losses from him several times."

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