Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1908 Reaching the Qingluo Kingdom (4)

Jing Shizi doted on Huo Qingyin, so he didn't hide the outside world from her, so Huo Qingyin knew about the discord between Jing Shizi and Liu Xi.

Hearing what his daughter said, Huo Qi became even more angry and cursed: "This son-of-a-bitch slave, a profiteer, a slanderous thief, he deserves to be a eunuch, bah!"

Seeing that her father was angry, Huo Qingyin advised her, "It's better for you to stop scolding me. What's the use of being quick-tongued for a while? Be careful, walls have ears. Liu Xi is the Queen's man. It's easy to punish a small businessman like me."

Huo Qidao: "What am I afraid of? We are barefoot and not afraid of those who wear shoes. If I get angry and expose his dirty things, then the emperor will be surprised if he doesn't chop off his head? Humph!"

As soon as she heard this, Huo Qingyin's heart immediately moved. The prince hated Liu Xi the most. If she could catch Liu Xi's pigtails and knock him down, the prince would definitely love her even more. When the time comes, she would definitely use his The machine killed the showman who had just entered the house.

Therefore, he quickly asked: "Does dad know any secrets about Liu Xi, or does he have any clues about Liu Xi?"

Huo Qi said angrily: "When my father just saw the eunuch at the door of the cafeteria, the eunuch was looking at a young daughter-in-law with a stern look. I'm looking for someone to find out why the little wife is unhappy. Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that a eunuch could be so happy. Huh, if this gets to the emperor, the emperor will definitely chop off his head. "

After hearing this, Huo Qingyin's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Daddy, does he know which family's daughter-in-law he is looking at?" "

Huo Qidao: "I don't know which one it is from. Anyway, I just went to eat in his cafeteria."

Huo Qingyin added: "Then, what kind of clothes does that woman wear? What kind of jewelry does she wear? How many people are with her? Is she tall, short, fat or thin? Do you still remember her?"

Huo Qi: "Dad didn't pay much attention. He only remembered that she was wearing a crane cloak with red feathers, crepe and white fox fur. She was only accompanied by a girl."

"Great, that's enough!" Huo Qingyin laughed secretly: "This is good news. If the prince knows about it, he will be happy."

After that, she called her confidant Ruyi and told her to rush to the cafeteria immediately to see who the little daughter-in-law Liu Xi was looking at was. She must find out her last name and where she lived.

Ruyi took the order and hurried to the cafeteria...


in space

Caiwei and Nangong Yi woke up. It was almost noon now. They got up and made lunch for the children. Today's lunch was very simple, not as troublesome as the barbecue that day. They only baked a few pancakes and fried some bean sprouts. , garlic sprouts and eggs, tore off most of the smoked chicken from the morning, rolled up the smoked chicken and ate it.

Even though it was so simple, the children still enjoyed the food, especially Yingge and Longmei. They almost got into a fight over the smoked chicken. Later, Caiwei promised to go to the market in Qingluo Country to give it to them later. Buy some delicious food and they will calm down.

After lunch, Caiwei took the children to take a nap, leaving Nangong Yi to put away the dishes and clear the table.

In fact, he really wanted to be intimate with his wife, but she knew what was wrong with him and had already warned him that he was not allowed to touch her today and would ask him to take her to the market in Qingluo Country later when the children were asleep. Go shopping.

Nangong Yi also wanted to know the customs, customs and economic situation of Qingluo Kingdom, so he suppressed his desires. Anyway, my wife is my own, so it doesn’t matter if I go to bed later.

After clearing away the dishes, he went to the stream to fetch water and took a cold shower to wash away all the burning desire.

After washing, he went back and changed his clothes. Just as the children had gone to bed, Nangong Yi and Caiwei left the space and went shopping on the streets of Qingluo Kingdom!

The streets of Qingluo Kingdom are completely different from the streets of Dajin. The architectural styles of the shops on both sides of the streets are very strange, and the clothes of the people are completely different from those of Dajin. These strong visual impacts make Caiwei feel like she is in another world. Normally, she looked curiously at the Gothic-style buildings and all kinds of weird shops, which made her eyes dazzled and she didn't know where to look.

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