The two little friends she was talking about were her sons Wanyanchao and Wanyance. One of the two little princes was just three years old, a few months younger than Jin'er and the others. The other was just over a year old and had just learned to walk. That's all, but I can already talk a lot.

Wanyan Jingchen greeted Nangong Yi with a few words of courtesy, invited them to sit down, and ordered a banquet to be held while ordering the Emperor and the Queen Mother to be invited.

The Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother learned that the Emperor and Queen of the Jin Dynasty had come to Qingluo Kingdom, and they hurriedly brought their two grandsons to visit. For them, the emperor and empress of the Jin Dynasty were their great benefactors. They could live to this day and live a happy life of entertaining their grandchildren, all thanks to the help of the emperor and empress of the Jin Dynasty. If it were not for the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, The queen helped them find their son. The old couple had long since died of grief and despair. How could they survive until now?

Therefore, in their hearts, Caiwei and Nangong Yi were like their reborn parents. When they learned that they were coming, the old couple hurried to meet them...

The capital of Jin Dynasty

Prince Jing finally returned to Duke Fu's Mansion. For the past two days, he had been staying outside, gambling with a bunch of gangsters. Of course, he was not only gambling, but after gambling, he drank wine and listened to songs. , feeling at ease, having fooled around enough, he returned home contentedly. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ruyi, the concubine's servant Huo Qingyin, waiting for her at the door. Seeing him coming back, Ruyi hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, you are finally back. Aunt Huo asked your servants to stay here and wait for your return. "

Jing Shizi frowned, suddenly unhappy. He hadn't seen his Lingguan for two days. He was planning to go to Lingguan's Lingguan to have a kiss, listen to the Lingguan sing a little song, and have some fun, but he didn't expect this Aunt Huo to come out. Disappointing.

He said displeasedly: "I'm very sleepy. I'll go see your aunt tomorrow and tell her that she doesn't have to wait for me." After that, he picked up his feet and left.

Ruyi hurriedly said: "My aunt said that she has already caught Liu Xi's pigtail. If you don't want to know what Liu Xi's pigtail is, you don't have to go there."

When Jing Shizi heard this, his outstretched foot immediately stopped. He turned around and asked, "What did you say? Whose pigtail did your aunt say you grabbed?"

"Liu Xi, Eunuch Liu's!" Ruyi added.

"Really? What pigtails?" Jing Shizi asked suspiciously.

Aunt Huo hoped that this matter would lure the prince to her place. How could Ruyi dare to tell her, so she said, "I don't know what happened. If the prince wants to know, just ask our aunt."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Shizi walked towards Huo Qingyin's yard without saying a word.

Huo Qingyin lived in Qingfang Garden in Fu Guogong's Mansion. All the furnishings and furnishings in Qingfang Garden were similar to those of the Crown Prince's wife. Even the charcoal they burned were the best silver frost charcoal. When Prince Jing entered, Huo Qingyin The aunt was wearing a home-made coat and sitting on the kang by the window doing needlework. When she saw him coming, she put down her needlework and said with a smile: "Where have you gone, Your Majesty? I asked me to wait."

With that said, he knelt down from the kang and moved to the edge of the kang to help Prince Jing take off the cloak he was wearing.

Jing Shizi sat down on the edge of the Kang and said, "I heard Ruyi say that you got the shortcomings of Liu Xi, the eunuch? Is this really true?"

Aunt Huo said with a smile: "That's right. I'll sit down first and wait for you to ask them to boil a pot of wine. You drink to warm yourself up and we'll talk while drinking." After that, she hurriedly asked someone to boil the wine. , arranged the dishes to go with the wine.

Jing Shizi saw that she was so attentive and asked her something, so he had to give up the idea of ​​having sex with Lingguan for the time being, because he saw a jade basin in the Nuan Pavilion, in which a single-petaled narcissus was planted. Flower, he praised it very much: "What a flower. The warmer the room is, the more fragrant the flower will be. When did you grow it?"

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