Aunt Huo said: "The old lady rewarded me for it. If I like it, I can come and see it every day. Anyway, my house belongs to me too."

Jing Shizi just had nothing to say about her potted flower. How could she really come to her house every day for a potted flower? Now his thoughts are all on Ling Guan'er. The Ling Guan is only fifteen years old. He can sing and serve people, and is so young that he can pinch water. Unlike Aunt Huo who has already given birth. She has two children, and although her face is still very handsome, some parts become loose and unusable as soon as she enters the house. Compared with Lingguan'er, one is in the sky and the other is in the earth. To put it bluntly, for this pot of flowers, even for a pot of gold, he would never give up Lingguan'er's firm and tender little meat and taste it. This is her boring old dish.

It's just that she is still used now and she has given birth to two sons for him, so Jing Shizi has to give her some face.

While they were talking, the maids and ladies came in like a stream of water, carrying fine wine and various dishes and snacks, and placed them on the Kang table one after another. The dishes are very rich, including fish, chicken, elbows, prawns, and all kinds of delicacies. It has obviously been prepared long ago, just waiting for his arrival.

When the dishes were served, the maid poured the wine. Jing Shizi picked up the wine glass, drank a glass with Aunt Huo, and said, "It's time for Yin'er to tell you this time. What did you do with the gelding?"

After a glass of wine, Aunt Huo blushed and said with a smile: "What's the reason? It's not a common problem among you men. You get confused when you see a woman!"

"What? A womanizer? Liu Xi is a eunuch? How could he be a womanizer?" Jing Shizi felt that he was being teased and threw the wine glass aside, his voice became much louder, obviously he didn't believe what Aunt Huo said.

Aunt Huo hurriedly said softly: "Master, who said that eunuchs can't like women? In the palaces of all dynasties, eunuchs and maids had sex. It can be seen that although the eunuch's body is disabled, his mentality is not good for women. There is still a demand, so it is normal for Liu Xi to like women. Besides, my father saw this with his own eyes, and I sent someone to verify that it is indeed true. What else can I doubt? "

Hearing this, Prince Jing couldn't help but believe it and said, "How do you say this?"

Aunt Huo elaborated on what happened that day when Huo Qi met Liu Xi and Liu Xi was stunned by the chrysanthemums. Then she added: "In order to confirm this, I specially sent someone to the cafeteria to inquire. You Guess what?"

"What's wrong?" Jing Shizi also became interested.

Aunt Huo covered her mouth with a handkerchief and laughed a few times, and said: "The young lady Liu Xi favored was actually Shen Juhua who was raped by Mr. Bai at Duke Li's Mansion a few days ago and was almost beaten to death under the rockery. That Shen Juhua Juhua was distressed because there were rumors in Beijing that she had been raped by Mr. Bai, so she went out to get drunk, and ended up getting really drunk. When she was going out, she met Liu Xi, and Liu Xi got her into his carriage, and the two of them got drunk. I don't know what they did in the car. I couldn't get too close to the concubine. I was afraid that Liu Xi's eunuch would find out and bring trouble to the prince, so I kept staring at them from a distance. Shen Juhua had been waiting for a long time. I got off the car later. When I got off, my eyes were red, as if I had cried, my hair was messed up, and my clothes were not very neat. I felt that Shen Juhua was probably fucked by Liu Xi. I was molested in the car..."

In order to make Jing Shizi believe her words, Aunt Huo deliberately exaggerated. In fact, Juhua did go to the cafeteria to get drunk that day. There were rumors in the capital that she had been raped by Mr. Bai. She was extremely aggrieved and resentful, but in her heart She felt aggrieved but did not dare to show it, fearing that her parents would be worried, so she could only go out and get drunk to vent her anger. In the cafeteria, she drank a lot of wine in one go. Later, she got drunk and vomited on a woman who was dining next to her. The woman He was a very nice person. Not only did he not blame her, he also kindly helped her clean up and persuaded her not to dwell on it and think about it openly.

When Juhua was moved, she spoke out her sorrows under the influence of alcohol, but she didn't know that the woman was the one sent by Liu Xi to inquire about Juhua's worries, and there was also a Huo Qingyin sect beside them. The people who went there were staring at them.

The mother-in-law finished talking to Juhua and immediately went out to report. When Liu Xi heard about this, she felt very unhappy for Juhua. When Juhua went out, she invited Juhua to the car and patiently comforted her. Juhua felt moved and After drinking too much wine and feeling uncomfortable, I did cry a lot. When I came out, my eyes were indeed red, but it was not like the messy hair and uneven clothes that Huo Qingyin said. Those remarks were all made up by Huo Qingyin. , used to whet Prince Jing’s appetite!

After Jing Shizi heard these words, his eyes suddenly burned with excitement, he put his hands on his hands and laughed and said: "Okay, great, that eunuch has repeatedly humiliated me, and now he finally caught his pigtails, I'm sure We must make good use of this matter and let him be ruined and die a good death!"

Aunt Huo smiled sweetly and said, "Congratulations to the prince for getting his revenge, but I don't know what he plans to do?" While smiling, she looked at him with charming eyes and teased him with her eyes.

Jing Shizi was someone who had been among the flowers for a long time. How could he not understand Aunt Huo's thoughts? He immediately raised his hand, touched her face, and just came over to kiss her. I heard a fragile woman outside say through the window: "Master, this servant is Aunt Ling's girl. Just now, Aunt Ling accidentally fell while walking and her leg seems to be sprained. Please come over and have a look."

Aunt Ling is the Lingguan. She is the newly married little actress Jing Shizi. She is charming and charming. She is currently being favored. As long as Jing Shizi lives in the mansion in the past few months, he spends half of his time sleeping with her. In the room, the other concubines and concubines were just jealous.

Hearing this, Jing Shizi stood up in a hurry and said to Huo Qingyin: "I'll go over and see what's wrong with Ling'er. You can eat it yourself. You don't have to wait for me." As he said this, the person had already opened the curtain, and a The smoker went out.

Aunt Huo saw that the opportunity she had so easily obtained was wasted in such a vain, and she hated that damn vixen deeply in her heart. However, her master was doting on her now, and she had no choice but to grit her teeth and swallow this mouthful. The bad breath returned to my stomach heavily!

Ruyi said: "This Lingguan is really too much. He even came to my aunt's house to rob someone. He clearly doesn't take my aunt seriously!"

Huo Qingyin gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry, let her jump around for a few days. When the freshness wears off, I will slowly peel her off..."

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