Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1924 Who gave the purple pearl jewelry (2)

After hearing this, the Lord of Jingyang County lowered his head and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.

Caiwei had sharp ears and eyes, and could see clearly. Although the Lord of Jingyang County was wiping his eyes, there were no tears in his eyes. He was just pretending to be seen. Seeing how hypocritical and pretentious she was, Caiwei suddenly had a bad impression of the county lord.

Queen Mother Namuhan continued: "Jingyang is not young yet, but she has not yet been betrothed to anyone. She has chosen all the young nobles from the Qingluo Kingdom, but none of them met her interest. It is better for Queen Mu to return to the Jin Dynasty." Guo Shi, help me pay attention. If there is a young talent of her age in Da Jin, you might as well help me make peace with her."

After hearing this, the head of Jingyang County immediately said coyly: "Aunt, Jingyang has already said that if Jingyang doesn't marry, Jingyang will stay with his aunt all his life." As he spoke, he glanced at Wanyan Jingchen.

Xiangyun, who was sitting next to Wanyan Jingchen, saw Jingyang's behavior. He looked at the sky speechlessly and rolled his eyelids. This scene was not the first time that it had been played out in front of her eyes. It had been so many years. Why can't Jingyang County Lord give up on her man?

Wanyan Jingchen was still calm, as if he hadn't noticed the glances from the head of Jingyang County, and calmly helped his youngest son Wanyance get some fruit.

Seeing this scene, Caiwei suddenly remembered that when Xiangyun went back to visit relatives a few years ago, he mentioned to her a county owner who was obsessed with Wanyan Jingchen. She thought that the infatuated county owner was the one in front of her. She hated her the most. She was such a shameless woman, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, Caiwei will definitely take the Queen Mother's instructions to heart and decide to find a suitable husband for the county master."

After finishing speaking, he said to Jingyang County Lord in a serious tone: "County Lord, they all say that men should be married when they are older, and girls should be married when they are older. The County Lord is not a young girl at her age. She can neither rely on nor waste money. If you don't hurry up, You can make plans for yourself, but you really have to let the Queen Mother worry about you."

When the Lord of Jingyang County heard Caiwei's words, his face suddenly turned ugly. Queen Mu's words were clearly a disguised mockery of her age and that she would become an old girl. She was only twenty years old, so she was How can you be old when you are still in your prime?

However, despite all the dissatisfaction in her heart, Caiwei did not dare to say anything because of her noble status, so she had to grit her teeth and swallow the bad breath...

Halfway through the meal, Nangong Yi mentioned the purchase of grain. He only said that an expert from outside the world reminded him that there will be a catastrophe in Qingluo Kingdom in two years, so he wanted to stock up on some grain. Can I buy some in Qingluo Country? It can also be bartered.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi were kind to Wanyan Jingchen, so naturally he would not refuse this idea and readily agreed immediately. In the past few years, with the blessing of God, the Qingluo Kingdom has always had good weather, and they have always stored food and exchanged it for more. No matter how much money you save, it will be all in vain if you save these grains and rice if they spoil and become moldy.

Nangong Yi was very happy to see Wanyan Jingchen so happy. After a few glasses of wine, he took out the beads Caiwei had just taken out from the turtle shell and gave them to Wanyan Jingchen.

The bead was dazzling, and as soon as it was taken out, it instantly illuminated the hall, even the most corner of the hall was illuminated. Such a treasure, once you see it, you will know that it is a priceless treasure that is hard to find. Everyone present was shocked. Wanyan Jingchen said: "Such a precious treasure, you two should keep it as a national treasure. It would be a pity to give it away."

Nangong Yi said: "How can there be any reason to take back what you have given away? Since it is our heartfelt gift, please be sure to accept it."

Seeing Nangong Yi's sincere gift, Wanyan Jingchen happily accepted it. He took the bead and looked at it for a while, then handed it to Xiangyun and said, "Yun'er, you see this bead is so beautiful, how about I make it a pendant for your necklace?" ?"

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